Howler Monkeys on Monkey River

Published: March 21st 2020
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Monkey Tour PlacenciaMonkey Tour PlacenciaMonkey Tour Placencia

Pedro and Sriracha
Today we had a tour on the Monkey River. We took a boat ride from Placencia Village to the Monkey River to the south. We spotted some dolphins on the way. It was a nice day for a boat ride. We stopped at the village at the mouth of the river to order our lunch and then we got back into the boat for our tour. We went upstream and stopped to see the howler monkeys. We took a short walk into the jungle and saw one monkey on his own. The guide said the dominant male likely is not letting him be part of the group. We also saw a blue crab and baby hummingbirds in their nest. The howlers were very loud. We had lunch back at the village that had been prepared while we were on our tour and then headed back towards Placencia. On the way we stopped and saw the manatees. We spent the afternoon relaxing at the pool. Dinner tonight was at the Maya Beach Bistro. Tomorrow we are heading back home. The staff at the resort checked with us to find out when we are leaving Belize. The international airport is scheduled to close on Monday and anyone who wants to leave needs to be gone by then. We are going to be sad to leave here as we have had a wonderful time. The people have all been very friendly and helpful. Our resort is nearly emptied out and the staff says they will try to be staying open for travelers in Belize as long as the country does not have restrictions. Many of the places are going to be closing and some of the restaurants already have signs out that they are closed.

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