Escaping the Corona crisis

Published: March 15th 2020
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So the word that is on everyone's lips at the moment is "Corona virus" and I'm over the moon to be sat here in my little house in Liverpool on the eve of my embarkation to what seems to be one of the very few virus free countries left in the world. I'm self congratulating (not isolating) myself, and must admit, feeling a little smug about my shrewd choice of adventure by deciding to visit Barbados. My heart does go out though to the millions of fellow travelers, adventurers and holiday makers who've had their dreams crushed by what appears to be a potentially catastrophic plague.
The only catastrophe that has befallen me yet is the inability to purchase any toilet roll for the last 3 days. What's that all about?
All I can say is I'm happy to be getting away from the hysteria, and if Corona virus hits Barbados whilst I'm there?
Then I won't be too disappointed that all flights have been suspended getting back home. Ha.
One more sleeps. Woohoo!!


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