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Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Puntarenas » Jaco February 8th 2023

Jaco was not what we expected at all. For some reason we had anticipated something akin to Benidorm in Spain. Instead we found it much more closely aligned to Patong in Phuket, Thailand, but with vastly inflated prices! We didn't really like the place, to be honest, but we made the most of a bad job as we always do. From our luxury accommodation in Montezuma we were in a true backpackers' hostel and my feedback and criticism of their attitude (the guy on reception when we had a problem didn't speak English and got very grumpy when he found out we could do it all in Spanish!) and lack of hot water (despite the electrical contraption being in the room it is, apparently, not included in the price!) did not go down well. Enough of ... read more
Getting off the speedboat transfer at Herradura Beach
Captain hook - he's missing one foot!
Delicious craft ale

Some times you just have to treat yourselves. We knew that url=;checkout=2023-03-31;dest_id=373416;dest_type=hotel;dist=0;group_adults=2;group_children=0;hapos=1;hpos=1;no_rooms=1;req_adults=2;req_children=0;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;soh=1;sr_order=popularity;srepoch=1676500869;srpvid=4db99f8247050128;type=total;ucfs=1&#no_availability_msgCasa Coloreswas a bit beyond our normal budget but it looked like a little piece of heaven and we thought we deserved it. How right we were! Despite being a very steep 20 minute walk into the town of Montezuma (and a short but $8 taxi ride back) we felt it was worth the extra expense. We were soon settling in to the Orange House where we were greeted by two very cheeky white-throated magpie jays who just wanted the cor... read more
White throated magpie jay
Beautiful beaches

The bus dropped us off more or less right outside our first night's accommodation, url= Boyeros.... read more
Relaxing by the pool
Ah, the memories of doing this for real!
Hair Cut!

The bus from La Fortuna dropped us off at the bottom of the hill where a sign showed the way up to the Lake Arenal Hotel and Brewery.The rain had stopped so we dragged our luggage up and over the hill. At the top the drizzle started again and a kindly American pulled up in his pick-up and offered us a ride. We had about 100m to go and politely declined as it would have taken just as long to get in and get out again! He had just parked up as we reached the entrance to the hotel!! We were sold by this statement on the hotel's website: "As the nation’s first and most well-regarded artisanal brewery, we offer a wide range of ales, from our take on a classic Pale Ale all the way ... read more
Wonderful views
Delicious Poke Bowl
Mural in the ladies' loo!

La Fortuna was billed as this big backpackers hang-out at the foot of a massive volcano. There's no doubting the first part of that statement, but what volcano? All we saw was low cloud and drizzle! It was good to sit in a bar drinking craft ale and playing Jenga, but there wasn't the party vibe we had expected. Food, drink and accommodation were generally way overpriced, but we did manage to find some value. We had big plans for our stay. A walk on a trail where we were more or less guaranteed to see sloths was definitely on our itinerary as was a trip to see a series of hanging bridges close to the volcano. Both bit the dust as the rain was relentless leaving us spending more or less a whole day in ... read more
A very proud lizard
Toucan play at that game
Craft ale and Jenga!

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » Limón » Cahuita January 26th 2023

Our first stop in Costa Rica was Puerto Viejo as our accommodation in Cahuita wasn't available until the following night. It was a good introduction to the Caribbean coast but, as expected, a bit too busy for us, especially on a Saturday night! We stayed at the url=;checkin=2023-02-14;checkout=2023-02-15;dest_id=1097573;dest_type=hotel;dist=0;group_adults=2;group_children=0;hapos=1;highlighted_blocks=109757311_351026458_2_0_0;hpos=1;matching_block_id=109757311_351026458_2_0_0;no_rooms=1;req_adults=2;req_children=0;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;sr_order=popularity;sr_pri_blocks=109757311_351026458_2_0_0__4000;srepoch=1674745935;srpvid=267c6ae6a369003e;type=total;ucfs=1&#hotelTmplCabinas Jacarandawhich was comfortable enough but we ... read more
Three-toed Sloth
Amazing sunset in Puerto Viejo
Puerto Viejo

Getting to the Bocas Islands from Boquete was simple, but it took about five hours. We all gathered at Hello Travel at 8am but it was a frustrating wait for departure as we finally left about 45 minutes later. The best part of four hours was spent on a minibus through spectacular mountain and forested landscapes. About three quarters of the way we stopped for a comfort break and grabbed some snacks, before the last hour of the journey to Almirante. It was chaotic at the port but soon enough we were all on a boat. It felt slightly overcrowded but not as bad as we had feared and it was about half an hour on the water over to Bocas Town on Isla Colón. Back on dry land it was a ten minute walk with ... read more
Beware of Wife!
Starfish Beach

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » Boquete January 16th 2023

Less than an hour away from David on the bus was the hill town of Boquete. It's famous for flowers and coffee in Panama, and we arrived in the middle of the festival devoted to those two products. Sounds great, doesn't it? Unfortunately it meant music blaring out until 5am meaning most of our waking hours were spent in a bleary-eyed daze. I think visiting at another time would leave you with a very different impression, but for us it wasn't great. We enjoyed ourselves but perhaps not as much as we had expected to. We chose the Hostal Gaia (overpriced - they all are) away from the main drag but sadly for us it was in a direct line of sight to the stages with the very loud musicians. Anyway, moaning aside, we found plenty ... read more
Coffee & Chocolate
Craft Ales

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Chiriquí » David January 14th 2023

David is Panama's second city. That's really hard to believe when you approach on the bus and even harder to believe when you are actually there. Most people don't bother stopping and just change bus to get to Boquete. They are missing out on something very different when it comes to city breaks, although speaking Spanish really did make it a more enriching experience. On arrival we fended off the ticket touts trying to get us onto another bus and avoided all of the numerous taxis as it was only a 10-15 minute walk to our hotel. Ok, it was a bit of a hot and sticky walk, but in David the climate makes that in the capital seem fresh, so you have to get used to it. When we got to the url= read more
Lots of buildings in a very shabby chic style!
Odd fountain in the Plaza Miguel de Cervantes
Our favourite fire extinguisher!

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Colón » Gamboa January 12th 2023

Gamboa was a place we had highlighted in the early stages of planning and we are so pleased we went ahead with the decision to go there. It wasn't particularly straight forward as the accommodation options were few and far between in addition to being ridiculously overpriced (in our European based opinion - we are starting to learn how expensive the USA must be if people are happy with these prices). Even getting there was a challenge as our travel day was a public holiday with limited transport out of the city. Thankfully Uber only cost $17 to do the 35km trip, although a long-distance surcharge was cheekily added without our knowledge. On complaining it was deducted! We had read that there was no shop or restaurant and that we should take all of our provisions ... read more
Beautiful river scene
Other tourists

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