Page 30 of RENanDREW Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Khanh Hoa » Nha Trang March 23rd 2009

Although long, the Reunification Express daytime train trip between Hoi An and Nha Trang was just beautiful, and the experience only got better as we approached Nha Trang...stunning mountains, shimmering white sand and sparkling sea... Andrew is in heaven! In some ways Nha Trang is a typical tourist town with leathery skinned westerners, and over-priced bars and restaurants serving more western than local food. I was not alone in finding the town a bit on the seedy side and not very appealing at all; however the beauty of the surrounding beaches and islands makes a trip here worthwhile. The group spent the best part of one day cruising the islands around Nha Trang, and I cannot express enough how much Andrew loved swimming and snorkelling in the sultry water of the South China Sea. Me? I ... read more
reclining buddha at long son pagoda
basket boats
island hopping

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Quảng Nam » Hoi An March 20th 2009

Hoi An is absolutely steeped in history - lined with old temples, crumbling mansions and ancient halls. It was a major river port in the 16th and 17th century but unlike other port towns I’ve been to, Hoi An is still essentially a charming traditional town. Like Hue, it’s been recently declared a World Heritage site, and again there is a lot of restoration work going on here. It is very obvious that we are heading south into hotter climate - just a few minutes after stepping outside the hotel this morning we were two sweaty little piggies. That being said, we still loved walking around. Hoi An is a tailoring and shopping mecca and I think we may have gone a little over the top. There are literally hundreds of tailors in Hoi An, as ... read more
tailors in old quarter
assembly hall of the fujian chinese
boats on thu bon river

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Thua Thien - Huế » Hué March 18th 2009

As with our overnight train to Lao Cai, we had soft sleeper cabins on the overnight train to Hue. It was an identical set up of four bunks in the cabin which we shared with Anna and Henny, two German uni students who we really enjoyed chatting to about cross-cultural experiences when living and travelling in different lands; however it wasn’t very long before we all crashed for the rest of the journey. We arrived in Hue at 9am and almost at once we were endeared to Hue’s slow pace. Hue is dissected by the Perfume River, with the old town within the citadel on one side and the newer residences and restaurants on the other. Hue was the capital of the Nguyen emperors and was modelled on Beijing’s Forbidden City. While it is sad to ... read more
forbidden city complex
forbidden city complex
nunnery lunch

Asia » Vietnam » Northeast » Quang Ninh » Halong Bay March 16th 2009

We started our morning with a sumptuous breakfast at KOTO, before beginning our drive north east to the World Heritage site of Halong Bay in the Gulf of Tonkin (approx four hours). There was tangibly excitement running through the group as we had all heard such wonderful things about the jade water and its 2000 or so towering limestone peaks. We finally boarded our fabulous private sailing junk at the docks of Halong City (which is a horrible dive of a place) and were welcomed aboard with a seafood lunch while lazily cruising the bay. This place looks and feels exactly as captured in the film Indochine! Legend has it that Halong Bay was created when a dragon was sent by the gods to defend Vietnam from the invading Chinese, and it spat out jade stones ... read more
our junk
halong bay
halong bay

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi March 14th 2009

Our overnight train trip back from Lao Cai was event free, but again we had considerable hassle getting our boarding passes. After waiting around for over two hours, it came down to Andrew jumping on the back of a motorbike and hunting down the guy who was supposed to deliver them to us at the station. Andrew arrived back at the station with five minutes to spare! Meanwhile back at the station waiting room, I was being entertained by a newlywed Australian couple having a blazing row about whose family paid for what at the wedding…not the most auspicious way to start a life together! Also listening in on the ‘conversation’ (among the hand full of people there who could understand what was going on), were our soon to be train companions - a couple from ... read more
in the traffic
local music
water puppetry

Asia » Vietnam » Northwest » Lao Cai » Sapa March 11th 2009

I’m going to start with an apology for this blog on Sapa being extra much to share! The train trip to Lao Cai was fantastic and went exactly to plan, however the Hanoi station experience was less painless. Firstly we weren’t entirely sure we were waiting in the right ‘ticket office’ for our boarding passes as everything was shut even though the train was supposed to leave in 15 minutes; secondly, we were the only non-locals in the room and Andrew was attracting a lot of attention - to a point where one man’s fascination with blond arm hair drove him to walk over and stroke Andrew’s arm in disbelief...very uncomfortable for Andrew, but very amusing for me; thirdly we were not prepared for the severe pushing and shoving that suddenly ensued when the ticket ... read more
vietnamese coffee
red zao women in sapa
hiking to ta van village

Asia » Vietnam » Red River Delta » Hanoi March 9th 2009

We are in Hanoi! Andrew and I have both wanted to come to Vietnam for a very long time and now that we are here, we can barely contain ourselves. The flight over from Melbourne’s Tullamarine Airport with a stopover in Singapore’s Changi Airport was laborious, but forget that, WE ARE HERE IN VIETNAM! YEY! We are using Hanoi as a base from which to explore the northern hill country of Sapa and the north-eastern waters of Halong Bay. We are only here for two days on this leg of our trip, so as we put our bags down, we decided to engage in the Lonely Planet Guide walking tour of Hanoi to orient ourselves. This sounded like a great idea when we were sitting in our air conditioned car from Hanoi’s Noibai International Airport, however ... read more
hanoi from the hoan kiem lake
old quarter
temple of literature

Asia » Vietnam March 8th 2009

A day of travelling will bring a basketful of learning... ~ Vietnamese Proverb Xin chao people! I’m about to start posting the blogs from our Vietnam trip. We travelled from north to south Vietnam roughly following the coastline - experiencing vastly different cuisine, cultures and climates along the way. As much as I would have liked to, I did not blog in real time because sitting in a closet of an internet café or fighting for free internet time at hotels were not very attractive options...we preferred to be out there amongst it - people watching, eating and drinking! Some of our trip took us to remote places so we were offline anyway. As this is an open blog, for privacy reasons I’m only posting a few ‘place’ photos here, the ‘people’ photos are on our ... read more

Europe » Spain November 27th 2007

Southern Spain and especially Andalucía is steeped in the belief of duende - a spirit / mysticism that immerses all things. While we wouldn’t go as far as saying our Spanish trip was spiritual or mystical, I think it's wonderfully appropriate to say that our time in Spain was magical. Both Andrew and I have discovered a special affinity with the Spanish food, wine, culture and land, and we are really torn about whether we come back here on our next overseas trip (to visit the northern and central regions) or whether we go somewhere ‘brand new’...but I suppose as dilemmas go, this one is a lovely one! Visiting family was a wonderful highlight of this trip but it was really hard to say good-bye to my siblings - once again, as we have done so ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Wilayah Persekutuan » Kuala Lumpur November 23rd 2007

The journey eastward to Kuala Lumpur from Barcelona included a transit stop in Amsterdam because we were flying with the devil’s own flying Dutchman - KLM; and as you may have already guessed, it didn’t quite go to plan. We arrived at our gate in Amsterdam’s Schipol Airport to be first told that the plane was overbooked (we already had boarding passes), a few minutes later we were told there were technical difficulties, then we were told that we had to stay overnight in Amsterdam and catch a flight at midday the next day. Needless to say we were not impressed because as it was we only had two days with my brother in KL. Anyway, off we had to go with our crappy little overnight care bags to a really crappy hotel. The Schipol Airport ... read more
melaka street
melaka street

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