Page 6 of LivingTheDream Travel Blog Posts

North America » Mexico » Campeche May 20th 2010

(Day 776 on the road)After ten days in Mexico now, I finally feel that I have arrived. The first few days here had felt a little surreal somehow, but now that I have seen a bit more of the country and its people I got a much better feel for it. It just feels great to be in a completely different region of the world again - after almost 18 months in (south-east) Asia and and then six months or so in mainly western countries (Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and the US), I am ready for some different experiences. New cultures and everything that comes with it await. How very exciting! As with most countries that I go to, I had very little real knowledge about Mexico, apart from the usual information one gathers over the ... read more
Beggar in Merida
Shoe shiner in the park in Merida
Palacio Gobierno in Merida

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Tulum May 14th 2010

(Day 770 on the road)Buenos dias. Buenos noches. Muchas gracias. Hasta la vista. Adios. Habla espanol? Por favor. Esta bien. Uno, dos, tres. No entiendo. That's pretty much the level of my Spanish at the time I entered Mexico a few days ago. Appalling! I feel I can speak more Chinese or even Indonesian than Spanish. But luckily many words are similar to English, German, Latin and French (the last two not being a strong point of mine either I have to say), so after a while here in Mexico I realised that I was able to understand quite a bit, even though I can speak almost nothing. I really need to pick up some more Spanish along the way, which will come in real handy travelling across Central America for the next few months. To ... read more
Impossible turquoise waters in Cancun
Leguan at the Tulum Maya ruins
Maya ruins in Tulum

(Day 766 on the road)San Francisco at last. I have been looking forward to coming here for a while now. I guess it is just one of these cities that I can associate various different things with, a city that somehow captures my imagination. Who wouldn't think of the Golden Gate Bridge spanning the bay, of ancient Cable Cars rattling around the impossibly steep streets, crooked Lombard Street, busy Fishermen's Wharf, forbidding Alcatraz, the Summer of Love and much more? I had been in San Francisco when I was about 14, and my memory of that time is pretty much reduced to Ghirardelli Square and the Golden Gate Bridge. In a way, not remembering much about a place is a nice thing, as it meant that I could explore it all over again. All the same, ... read more
Sea gulls against the skyline as seen from Alcatraz
There are a lot of homeless people here in San Francisco
Cable car crossing

(Day 756 on the road)My good old French friend Suzanne ("I want it to be top-e notch-e"), who had visited me in New Zealand just a month ago, was worried that Yosemite would be more of the same for me, as I had seen so much nature and so many mountains over the last few months in NZ. But she needn't have worried: Yosemite is an absolutely stunning piece of nature, and even though Suzanne has been there a few times over the last few years (I had been here once when I was 14 but couldn't remember a thing), we were both stunned by the varied scenery. A short flight had taken me from Los Angeles to San Francisco, Suzanne's adopted home town. At Los Angeles airport I had been more than a little annoyed ... read more
One of many nosy squirrels
I hope my mum doesn't see this (me at the edge of Vernal Fall)
The clouds are closing in

North America » United States » California » Los Angeles April 27th 2010

(Day 753 on the road)Say you are spending the night at Los Angeles Airport, on one of these typically uncomfortable benches that were just not made for sleeping, and a mean-looking cop with a shaved head and a big gun wakes you up just after two o'clock in the morning: "Hello sir, wake up, sir, wake up now." What would you think? Well, I was thinking that I was in trouble, and that he was going to move me on. With little, sleepy eyes I squinted at him and realised he was carrying something big under his arm. Turns out he was offering me an enormous (pink!) blanket so that I wouldn't be cold during the night. I am not sure why I aroused his attention, but I have the feeling that me being wrapped in ... read more
Hollywood sign with my old friend Caz
Brazilian band posing on Hollywood Boulevard
Griffith Park Observatory

North America » United States » Hawaii » Big Island April 23rd 2010

(Day 749 on the road)For various reasons, the Big Island, my third and final Hawaiian island, was also my favourite one. After a full week at a busy hostel in Maui I was ready for some solitude again, and renting a car on the Big Island (there is virtually no public transport here except for a daily around-the-island bus at seven in the morning) was the best way to achieve that and have the flexibility to see it all. You would think that by travelling solo I would be rather lonely at times. In fact, it is quite tough to find space and time to be on my own, as I constantly meet people, in hostels of course, but also pretty much everywhere else on the road. So finding some quiet time and personal space is ... read more
Stunning Waipio Valley
Turtle right on the beach in Kailua
The lava showed absolutely no respect for the highway

North America » United States » Hawaii » Maui April 19th 2010

(Day 745 on the road)A 25 minute flight took me from Honolulu on Oahu to Kahului in Maui, the Valley Isle as it is know, where I was to spend the next week or so. I bunked in a pretty busy but still atmospheric hostel in Wailuku with a good mix of people from all over, which interestingly included a considerable number of Americans. Whilst it was very nice to meet "locals" so to speak (even if they were from California), that was something of a novelty - as typically you only meet foreigners in a hostel but hardly ever people from the country you are travelling in. There seem to be two reasons for that: For one, Hawaii is of course a very popular destinations for Americans, but I also met a number of people ... read more
Wailua Falls on the Road to Hana
Silverwood plant at Haleakala
Along the Haleakala hike

North America » United States » Hawaii » Oahu April 12th 2010

(Day 738 on the road)"The Face of the Nation - US Customs and Border Protection". Or so the posters proclaimed all over Honolulu airport. If the grossly overweight immigration officer that treated me like a terrorist and never smiled once during her long and annoying questions ("Ah, so you don't have a job then, do you?") is the face of the American nation - well, I just can't wait to see the rest of it. The nation I mean, not the woman. But less than four hours later I would see another face of the country in the form of a disgruntled police officer when I was issued a fine of an astonishing $130 for, and I still can't believe this, crossing the street in a place where there was no traffic light or pedestrian crossing. ... read more
Stunning Hanauma Bay
Waikiki Beach in Honolulu
Surf boards

Oceania » Fiji » Ovalau April 9th 2010

(Day 735 on the road) "This bus is alwayson Fiji-time, mister!" The young Indian woman gave me her widest smile, exposing her perfect teeth. I was in the predominantly Indian village of Tavalu on Viti Levu's northern coast, Fiji's main island, waiting for the local bus heading east. After my disappointing stay on partying Mana Island it was time to dig a little deeper and search for the "real" Fiji. As many visitors to Fiji stay around the city of Nadi (where the international airport is located) and the adjacent islands of the Mamanucas and the Yasawas, chances were good that the rest of the country would be blissfully devoid of many visitors. Before I start however a word on my last blog entry about my second anniversary of travelling: Thank you all for the countless ... read more
Church of the Sacred Heart in Levuka
Thatched bure on Caqalai Island
Sammy taking me from Caqalai to Ovalau

Oceania April 5th 2010

(Day 731 on the road)Well, who would have thought? Two years on the road, two years of Living the Dream - and going strong. When I made the rather impulsive decision in 2008 to quit my job to do something else with my life before it was too late, I sure didn't imagine any of this. I can't even begin to understand just how much I have seen and experienced or how many people I have met that had a profound impact on my life. And how long is two years of travelling anyway? Here is one way to look at it: In my old job I had five weeks of holiday each year. Assuming that I would spend the full five weeks travelling every year (and not stay at home or with friends and family), ... read more
The quintessential New Zealand picture (Lake Rotoroa, New Zealand)
The stunning Bacuit Archipelago (Palawan, The Philippines)
At the top of Mt. Ruapehu (Tongariro NP, New Zealand)

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