LivingTheDream's Guestbook

14th July 2022

Oh, was für eine Überraschung - Ben is on the road again!
Lieber Ben, was für eine Überraschung! Du wirst es nicht glauben aber ich habe wirklich häufiger an dich gedacht. Klingt völlig unglaubwürdig, stimmt aber trotzdem. Ich habe mich oft gefagt, ob Ben jetzt verheiratet ist und Kinder hat und wo er wohl lebt? Ich weiss auch nicht, warum ich nicht einfach gefragt habe. Jetzt bist Du schneller und schreibst deinen Blog einfach weiter. Wäre Twitter nicht aber eine gute Ergänzung? Benutzt Du noch deine alte eMail-Adresse? Ich folge Dir! Walter
14th July 2022

Lange her....
Hey Ben, deine Mail heute morgen zu sehen war wirklich eine Überraschung. Mensch hab ich lange nichts von Dir gehört. Ich hoffe es geht Dir gut! Alles was ich sagen möchte ist....genieße Südamerika und Grüße mir Brasilien. Ich bin gespannt auf deine Eindrücke und freue mich, Dich begleiten zu dürfen. Ich wünsche dir eine grandieose Zeit. Bis bald, Jenny
29th October 2018

I am puzzled at the judgemental attitude you display towards prostitution. Many countries like this in SE Asia are very poor. There's no welfare system, like most of us Westerners have. If they don't "work", they don't eat, or have shelter. If there were no punters, they would also not eat. What's so difficult to understand about that?
27th March 2018

Small minef
Listen you small minded asshole. Their culture is completely different Then western soicity and working as a bar girl ( not a prostitute, very offensive) is the best option to keep from starving over there and they get to chose who they go with. Not like over here where there beaten, have pimps and are drugged out. Activity’s like that are always around but instead of pretending like it doesn’t exists Philipines bring it into the day accept it and it becomes safer for the girls that will do it anyways and give them an option to make money gets better life in the future of pay to finish school.
30th May 2017

The Grand Traverse
Hi Ben! I was wondering if you still do advise new recruits who will be interested to take up the grand traverse? I saw the comments below here are full of people just like me but I'm not sure if you are still responding. Please do send me the answers you wrote to them to me! Thanks
9th November 2016

Hi Ben! My name is Pito, I'm from Catalonia, and I will hike in Daisetsuzan next july. I would like to ask you some questions about Grand Traverse. Can you help me? Best regards. Pito.
9th November 2016

Daisetsuzan - maps and advice
Hello Ben, I read your article about Daisetsuzan Grand Traverse which encouraged me to cross it as well! I bought tickets, got some equipment but I am not able to find any map, which is quite scary because I will travel alone with no GPS or maps in mobil phone. The link you gave on your page is not working. May I please ask you if you have any map of the trail? I would be really grateful for knowing which way to go where are huts or camping places or if you have some extra information about water, might be very helpful as well! Sorry to rely on you so much, but I am in Japan and I did not find any bookstore with "hiking in Japan" book or any other... Thank you so much for any help! Yours Sincerely Katerina Ps: Any extra piece of advice is welcome as well of course!
11th April 2016

Hello Ben, my name is Angus, and i do hope your doing well! I read about your journey through the great traverse, within the Daisetsuzan national park, as I am also very interested in this trek. The reason for my message is i need some info about the trek that i feel only someone who has done it will be able to answer correctly. So i'll jump right to the point, as you must be a busy man! Q1, How much experience hiking overnight did you have prior to going the traverse? Q2, what sort of portable cooking device did you bring? and what food did you bring with you? Q3, how difficult is it to stay on the right path to the goal by the following the signs? (which must be in japanese?) Q4, do you speak/read japanese? Q5. what busses did you take from the airport to get to the starting point of the great traverse? thankyou very much i really appriciate this!
11th April 2016

planning a trek to Daisetzu and looking for your advice :)
Hello Ben, I have been reading your blog with a lot of interest, as I am traveling to Japan with my boyfriend in a month. We were planning on relying on the Lonely Planet's Trekking in Japan guide, but as you seem to consider this a bad idea, I was wondering whether you could give me the link to the website you recommended (the link on your page does not work). I am taking good note of your advice, and am very glad I came across your website!
11th April 2016

Daisetsuzan tips/advice and maps?
Hi Ben Names Josh. Looking into the Daisetsuzan grand traverse a week sunday, and besides asking if you have any tips or advice for me, what about maps? I know you mentioned that hiking in Japan isn't reliable so how did you manage? Many thanks, Sincerley Josh
11th April 2016

Hi Ben, My husband, Pascal Giacomini, and I have been dealing with the Matsés people in the Peruvian Amazon for several years. They harvest the jagua fruit for us and ship us the juice, which we use to create a temporary tattoo product. I've written a book titled Jagua--A Journey into Body Art from the Amazon. (You can see more about our company at It's a win-win situation. They're able to turn a fruit which normally falls to the ground and rots and turn it into a cash crop; and we have partners we can trust to get us our raw materials. At this time, we're interested in developing additional sources for the juice, and have considered Panama. Pascal has made a couple of trips very similar to yours into the heart of the Peruvian Amazon where the Matsés live; but it turns out that the fruit, along with plenty of Matsés also live in Quitos (gateway city to the jungle), and they are currently harvesting the fruit from there. I'm wondering if you can tell me whether you encountered Embera Indians or people from other groups selling the jagua fruit or juice in a main city in Panama? For obvious reasons, it's a lot easier to do business from a city than from the jungle! Look forward to hearing from you. All best, Carine
8th January 2016

Permission to use image
Hello, I am writing from 'Harmony-Celebrate Age', a magazine in India that features people over 60 years and their contributions to society. We are doing a small bit to announce the upcoming Desert festival at Jaisalmer for which we need a suitable picture. I see here that you that you are licensing this picture out for non-commercial purposes. Ours is definitely a non-commercial cause. But I thought I'd write to seek your permission anyway. Please let me know if you can share a couple of options to use in the February issue of 'Harmony'. You can find the extensive work 'Harmony' has been doing for the last 11 years here: If you agree, you can write to me on I look forward to hearing from you, Natasha
9th May 2015

Grand traverse in September
Hi Ben, Great blog. My wife and I are fairly experienced hikers. Your blog makes the trek sound pretty difficult though. We are planning on going over this year in September. I guess one of the big problems we'll face is water. If you have any information or maps that may help us out, could you please send them to me? Thanks for your time. Craig
27th January 2015

hello, Ben beiske I am your friend from south Asia, Indonesia. I have been your friend on flicker friendship. just now, i was seeing your trip in the flicker but, i can't see your new updated.. best wishes, Berman from Around the world.
13th October 2014

Did you climb Mt. Ngauruhoe with your backpack?
Hi Ben, I plan on doing this track on Dec 31 this year and I wonder what's your advice regarding backpacks while scaling up Mt. Ngauruhoe. Naturally, I prefer to do it without such heavy weight on my back. Is it safe to leave it at the base of the mount, or is it possible to hide it somewhere closeby? Thanks in advance.
4th September 2014

How much money did you invest on this traveling around the world?
5th September 2014

Hi Nancy, please see my last blog entry, where I have listed the costs for the trip! Ben
20th August 2014
Oh no! (woman with body-painted bra in Key West)

Love this woman!
I admire this person for not being hung up that her body isn't that of a slender 20 something and having to cover it with clothing . Why must age discrimination and media driven body image be so controlling of our choices/attitudes/values?
8th July 2014

Maybe to your concentration camp victims! I have had kids and can't go to a gym. Since you say just about every Latina over 25 is fat, I think every piece of chain smoking Euro trash needs some good food.
8th July 2014

Prejudiced Generazation from a German!
It is sad when someone lists his home country as Germany....a country that murdered millions not too long make such insulting generalizations about both El Salvador (obese, nothing to see) and the USA. I have long protested the actions of the US government but that does not translate down to a blanket hostility toward Americans from Central Americans. In fact, I feel like a movie star in El Salvador and many people are keen to come to the US. You blog is poppycock, sir.
11th April 2014

Need to know some details
Planning to have a trek to this mountain. Is it enough if we start in the morning to cover all peaks by walk?
22nd March 2014

Why not "Guatemala, Guatemala"?
I apologize Ben, I had not read that you are actually from Germany and not American as I thought. Regardless, everyone in the world knows about New York, New York and no one finds it odd.
22nd March 2014

Why not "Guatemala, Guatemala"?
I was reading your article and found it hilarious that you found it strange that the name of the capital city is the same as the country (Guatemala, Guatemala). I'm assuming you are American as I am, isn't there a New York, New York in our country as well? And did you know that at one point it used to be the capital? New Yorkers brag that the city was so great it had to be named twice, maybe Guatemalans felt the same way.
4th January 2014
Constructing a boat

I like this one because it captures the focus of a craftsman. Headed to Kerala now.
24th August 2013

hiking in Daisetsuzan
Hi Ben. I'm in Hokkaido right now and thinking of doing the Grand Traverse myself. I was wandering if you can send me those maps of the area cause I couldn't find ones in the book store here. Also, I would really appreciate any tips from what to bring, how to manage around with food and water etc. Thanks a lot.

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