Page 4 of Johnny speaks Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden January 16th 2011

January 13, 2011 We have a really great teacher at the Goethe Institute that makes our lessons really interesting. Since it’s a C1 class (higher level) we don’t learn much new grammar, its mostly practicing using the language and expanding our vocabulary. Our lessons have been really interesting so far. He usually throws in a few songs to listen to, interesting articles, or tells us something about German history. He grew up in Dresden in the DDR times, when the Soviet Union was running the show in East Germany, so he has a lot of first hand knowledge. He’s also an art history major, so all things cultural fascinate him and I think he enjoys the class just as much as we do. So on Thursday he organized a little field trip for us after class ... read more
Golden Statue
Sunset from the river bank

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden January 8th 2011

January 8, 2011 I’ve been sick all week with a cold, but Mia and I decided to go on a day trip this Saturday with the school anyway. Goethe arranged everything and all we had to pay was 5 Euro, so it was a pretty good deal. Pilnitz is quarter of Southeast Dresden and the Pilnitz Palace was what we set out to see. The palace was huge and even had a park connected to it. We took a tour through the palace and saw the kitchens, which have flooded many times. There were even tallies on the wall with how high the flooding was for different years. In 2002 it was all the way up to the ceiling. We also saw some of the fancy halls and dining rooms, the ice rooms, and it even ... read more
sunset over Dresden
Photo 35
Photo 30

Europe » Germany » Saxony » Dresden January 5th 2011

Getting There January 2, 2011 Whyyyy Deutsche Bahn?? Why? Well the Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) let me down again when moving to Dresden. The tiny train was insanely overbooked and it was completely full. There weren’t enough train cars and the aisles, entrances and every possible space, were all full of standing people. We barely made it on the train at all since we had 3 suitcases, 3 backpacks, and coats and stuff, because as I said, even the entrances were full. We finally found a train car whose door wasn’t completely jam-packed and Mia fought her way on while I threw on the three suitcases. The crowd ended up being pushed all the way down each aisle and we were able to stand in the aisle too, which was completely blocked. Unfortunately, almost everyone on ... read more
in dem Zwinger
Leftover Communist mural

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich January 5th 2011

Happy New Year!! Bonne Année С Новым Годом Gutes neues Jahr! 新年快乐 (but Chinese New Year isn’t until Feb 2-3) Anyways, JFK airport was completely closed due to the sudden snowstorm that hit the eastern United States, so Mia had to come back to Germany earlier. We haven’t really done much sightseeing in Munich since she’s already seen it, but she got a Nikon DSLR for Christmas so we tried it out in a few areas. We’ve mostly been just hanging out and finding good places to eat. We tried the Hard Rock Café here in Munich and its really a breath of fresh air since I’ve been away from the US for so long. The water is free just like in the States and they do free refills too. It’s the most American place ... read more
Mia and her new camera!
Our Chinese dinner!

Europe » Germany » Bavaria December 23rd 2010

In this blog: Dachau, Schloss Nymphenburg, Hofbräuhaus, Linderhof Castle, and Neuschwanstein Castle December 23, 2010 - Dachau Concentration Camp So we’ve only spent 5 of our 10 days so far and we still have a lot to see! Munich has so much to see and I’ve even seen a few new ones too. Today we visited the city of Dachau and the infamous concentration camp. I’d rather not describe it again in detail too much, but here’s my other blog about the first time I went about two months ago - Last time I was there I rented an audio guide, but this time we did a full out tour so my family could really get all the information. The tour was really well done and even explained some things I didn’t know after my first ... read more
Only one more day
"Arbeit Macht Frei"
Neuschwanstein turret

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich December 21st 2010

I finally got to see some of my family again. They were able to come visit me for Christmas and I’ve been showing them all around Munich. I think they really like it so far! My brother, mom, uncle, and grandpa were able to come and my grandpa is the only one who’s been to Europe before. My mom and uncle have been to Canada, but other than that they haven’t been out of the United States at all, so this is a really exciting trip for them. I’ve been trying to keep it really interesting and we’ve got a lot of sights lined up. They got here Sunday morning and we were all pretty tired. I was really tired too, because I wanted to meet them at the airport and the airport is pretty much ... read more
Munich and the Alps
Olympia Park

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich December 17th 2010

I’m told by the school director that usually there isn’t this much (or any) snow in Munich this early. He said it’s usually like this in the end of January, but I love it! There’s a ton and it’s snowed almost every day for the last two weeks. It’s really piling up and hopefully will keep doing so until my family gets here on Sunday. I went around the Altstadt a bit today and took a few pictures of the snow covered Christmas market. Hopefully we’ll have a white Christmas too! Today was my last day at EF Munich (my language school) and it was kind of sad since I had to say a lot of goodbyes. I got my language certificate though and we got to watch a movie for the last part of class, ... read more
Thanksgiving feast!!
A bit of the market
giant Christmas tree :)

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Nuremberg (aka Nürnberg) December 13th 2010

Arrival Since Nürnberg (Nuremburg - English spelling) has the most famous Christmas market in Germany, over 150 stalls(!), so Mia and I hatched a plan to meet there and spend a weekend looking for Christmas presents and seeing the town, because neither of us had been. The Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) had problems as usual and Mia almost missed her connecting train, but we both arrived in tact. The German railway system really doesn’t live up to the German stereotypes of “organized” or “efficient”, it seems every trip something goes wrong and the trains are late. Not that I’m saying I could run it any better. One good thing though was that it had snowed Friday all across Germany and when we arrived we were greeted with a completely white Nuremburg. We almost ran into another ... read more
Me in the Castle
Nuremburg buildings
crowded market streets

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich November 28th 2010

There are so many Christmas traditions here in Germany! Not only the Christmas markets, but also so many of the local shops, restaurants, and cafes are decorated for the Christmas season. Tollwood is the local winter festival here in Munich. It’s very similar to a Christmas market, because there are lots and lots of stalls selling food, gifts, and also Christmas trinkets, but there are also a lot of odd things too. There’s a really big indoor bazaar with even more stalls for shopping. Some of the things for sale include: wooden giraffes, stuffed animals, mittens, hats, funny hats, big hats, small hats, Christmas ornaments, wooden ornaments, wooden furniture, bongs for hookah/shisha, musical instruments, and lots of food! Mulled wine (Glühwein: pronounced "glue vine", but not made out of glue :P ) is also a big ... read more
cool wooden giraffes
Lady Bavaria
Tollwood Winterfestival

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich November 27th 2010

For the Christmas marktet info scroll straight to Nov 26! November 23, 2010 I've been in Germany almost ten weeks now. It's starting to get really cold and today it even snowed! It didn't stay on the ground, because it melted too fast, but I love snow and hopefully we'll get some more soon. The famous Christmas markets open Friday all across Germany and will be open until December 24th. Munich has a pretty big one and Nuremburg, which is only an hour away, has the most famous one in Germany. I'm going to Nuremburg December 10th for the weekend to enjoy the Christmas market. If you want to read about the Christmas market, scroll down to Nov 26. The rest is just about new developments in my life. They’re all jumbled together, because I have ... read more
Christmas stalls
In the Christmas Market
I got attacked!

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