Frenchgirlroundtheworld's Guestbook

13th June 2014

Nature beauty
Hi, I am regular reader of your blog thanks for sharing the new content with new theme.I like nature beauty, backwater and valley but i am aware to Indian nature beauties and in your blog i get nature beauty of south America.
13th June 2014

Dear Reena, I am happy to know that you are often reading my blog :) I love sharing my impressions about the amazing places I am visiting, so I am glad that it enables you to get a view over the South American natural beauties ;) India is high on my list of places I want to visit, so I am looking forward to seeing its natural beauties as well :) Wish you a great evening! PS: I am now in Latvia and the nature here is just GREAT! I will write a blog about it soon ;)
11th June 2014

Compte rendu toujours très intéressant à lire
11th June 2014

Merci Claude, ravi que cela t'ait plu. Bisous de Lettonie.
12th May 2014

sounds good
seems to me a totally different culture, i might get scared when passing by the street, but another side, i see the amazing things and like their difference.
4th June 2014

Hi Enhui, Chile is a relatively safe place. You have to be careful in Santiago and Valparaiso, as they are bigger cities but it's the same everywhere. And I absolutely loved Valpariso, you just visit it, if once you are in Chile :)
30th April 2014

I had a similar realisation when I was travelling in my youth and it has stayed with me into my older years. I love being "on the road". All my senses seem to be enhanced and every day is a joy. Thank you for reminding me.
4th June 2014

My pleasure!
Hi John and Sylvia, I am glad it reminded you your former travelling experience! I hope I will never forget those things I learnt during my trip. Keep travelling and enjoying life! Natacha
7th April 2014

visit of la bodega La Abeja
Excellent compte-rendu sur cette visite de la Bodega La Abeja. Il est vrai, aussi, que les vins argentins sont fameux et valent bien des vins français. Merci à cette" chroniqueuse" Natacha. Claude et Cécile
13th March 2014

Récit toujours aussi passionnant. Mais il serait peut-être plus agréable de le lire avec un verre de terere. Je pense, également, que le Paraguay est un Pays beaucoup plus calme que le Brésil. Le caractère est plus typique , plus sauvage et d'une mentalité légèrement différente. Bravo et félicitations pour ce mini reportage Claude et Cécile
10th February 2014
Cape Point

this is sooooooo pretty
1st February 2014

Chère Natasha, Je viens te faire des bisous! Merci pour ton blog! C est vraiment une excellente idee ce voyage !!! Toutes mes félicitations! J aimerais bien être avec toi :o))) Valérie
22nd January 2014

Compte-rendu très intéressant. C'est nous qui, maintenant, rêvons de faire la même chose mais, hélas, nous n'avons plus la même santé physique. Un tel voyage est formidable. Claude et Cécile
28th January 2014

Vivre son rêve
Bonjour Claue et Cécile, Cela a été un de mes rêves depuis longtemps de faire un tel voyage. Je ne suis en aucun cas déçue pour le moment. Je profite de magnifiques paysages, rencontre des personnes formidables, me balade beaucoup, découvre de nouvelles cultures. Même si vous n'êtes plus dans la même forme physique, tout type de voyage vaut le coup et je vous encourage à découvrir de tels pays. Vous ne le regretterez pas!! Bises du Cap. Natacha
4th November 2013

you should have written the story about "salute", as a tip for non-french speakers:D
1st December 2013

Lol, for non French speaker, you should say "Salut" as an unformal way to say hi to someone. Don't say it to your friend's father when you meet him :p
4th November 2013

You walked very fast!
haha, in my memory, berlin will be a place, where are a lots of walking, lots of music and lots of food and lots of "Ja oder Nein" unfriendly people...and YOU! this is such a great weekend and I become to like berlin since you were here~
1st December 2013

Love Berlin
I am very happy to read that you started liking Berlin since I was there. I had a great time with you there! Miss you. Come to meet me somewhere next year, we will have a lot of fun!
23rd October 2013
Hot chocolate cup! and muffin

Wow tasty treats
Looks like you are having a good time.

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