Page 5 of Crannster Travel Blog Posts

"I Don’t Like You Either…" Down by the River. Work took me to the Madawaska River for some water rescue training. Six full days by a river, rigging up ropes and rescue systems to haul people and boats across raging rapids was a lot of fun. There were five of us down there, and we all got a chance to try a stand-up paddle board (SUP), or as I liked to call it - (SNP) swimming next to a paddle board… It was actually fairly easy and intuitive to get used to on a flat body of water, it’s just that we were on a set of rapids for the most part, so standing up was tricky (for me as a beginner). We rafted and kayaked down the river and flipped on purpose to practice self-rescue ... read more
Towering Toronto
Looking to the End of the World
Toronto on the Lake

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax May 5th 2016

Eastern Canada is as close to the United Kingdom and Europe as it is to Canada's own west coast. This is evident in the grocery stores, in particular, at the cheese department, which are often overflowing with European cheeses! Red Leicester, Double Gloucester, Wensleydale, Caerphilly, Edam and Brie! The choice of cheeses is wonderful! We are both big cheese fans, so this refrigerated paradise was one of our favourite hang-outs whilst stocking up on the daily supplies. Really sharp and aged Cheddar is often our go-to cheese-of-choice, but we were spoiled! Cheddar infused with Irish whisky, with cranberries or apricots, smoked gouda, Camembert, and Stilton. Cheese is milk's attempt at immortality! Fermented and moldy, old and crumbly or with holes in it... It is a remarkable food... You can buy a box of crackers and some ... read more
Coast near Halifax
Prospect Village
Mahone Bay

Prince Edward Island (PEI) is famous for four things; potatoes, lobsters, golf courses, and Anne of Green Gables. Five things, if you include a giant bridge, but that is federal, and shared between two provinces. PEI is also Canada's smallest province - nowhere on the island did we find dramatic landscapes, vast tracts of wilderness or spectacular wildlife - but that's what gives PEI its magic... It's a quiet little island with a gentle land that's easy on the eyes and quite soothing, and quite different from the rest of the country. We spent a week at a nice B&B in the small town of Summerside. Aaron and Sarah were our wonderful hosts, and we were fed tasty and nutritious, breakfasts every morning with many homemade goodies. Summerside is fairly centrally located on the island, and ... read more
Chatting with John
The Flags
The Dunes

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia April 20th 2016

Out on the far-flung eastern edge of mainland Canada is the small maritime province of Nova Scotia. We decided to do a smaller trip together this year due to our schedules, so we opted to stay in Canada and do a bit of road trip to explore Canada's Atlantic seaboard... Halifax We flew into Halifax and stomped through drizzle and sleet to get to the B&B in the downtown core. Next morning was wet snow and particularly gloomy, so coffees and hot chocolates were plentiful as we slowly loitered around the city streets. The imposing Citadel on the hill above town was officially closed and half buried in snow, but we still made it inside the grounds and enjoyed the ramparts and cannons that once guarded the city. There were only two or three other tourists ... read more
Nova Scotia High
At the Summit - Cape Breton Highlands Nat. Park
East Coast

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires March 22nd 2016

The wind blows gently through the forest. Birds sing in the branches. Lush green mountain sides fade into snowy peaks, The trees get consumed by the high slopes. We are running. Higher and higher we run until the mountain stops. A towering peak soaring above the dark clouds. An incredible view - the end of the world and beyond. The dynamic path crumbles. Loose rocks dislodge beneath our feet. We stagger back down a narrow ridge. Misty and rainy. A river crossing, A muddy bank. Gnarly roots carpet The soggy ground In a woody tangle. The smell of autumn, The golden leaves, Wild mushrooms, The wilted remnants of a once-beautiful flower. Solitude is anywhere... An old bicycle is propped against a rusted railing. There are snakes on the rail, worn and bent, the iron, serpentine fence ... read more
Above the Trees
To the End of the Earth
Clockwise vs Counterclockwise

South America » South Georgia » South Georgia March 19th 2016

I had a lot of time at sea on my last voyage of the seaon... A final crossing of the Drake Passage, a stormy couple of days on the ferocious Scotia Sea, and an epic five-day sail from South Georgia to Buenos Aires (almost) on the ever-grumpy South Atlantic. These ten or so days at sea were spent with my muse and my friend, the Great Wanderer and his albatross cousins. The Wandering Albatross, Black-browed Albatross, Southern and Northern Royals, Grey-headed, the Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross as well as a cameo appearance from an Amsterdam Albatross! These massive birds with their 3 metre (11 ft) wingspan that soar effortlessly above the towering seas as they follow the ship in their search for food are mesmerizing. I spend hours out on deck fascinated by these birds that can ... read more
The King Penguins
Standing Tall
Riverside Gathering

Antarctica » Antarctica March 5th 2016

Megaptera novaeangliae means ‘big wings of New England’ more commonly known as the humpback whale. These are the gentle giants of the sea – playful, gentle giants that we had the pleasure of spending a few hours with in Wilhelmena Bay. There were dozens of humpbacks and all the Zodiacs spent time with several individuals. We also had sightings of minke whales, fin whales and a rare glimpse of Arnoux’s beaked whales. Of course you could throw some dusky dolphins and long-finned pilot whales too – just for good measure. I have not sat down and taken time to journal my adventures on this voyage – but I did take a few photos of these magnificent beings that swim in our amazing oceans. I will leave you with a few snippets of our moving and spiritual ... read more
The Breach
Playful Humpbacks
Up Close

Antarctica » Antarctica February 25th 2016

The many men so beautiful And they all dead did lie And a thousand, thousand slimy things Lived on and so did I. Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Samuel Taylor Colridge, 1799 Deck 8 is an open platform - it’s windswept and exposed. It’s ideal for some jogging or for some small piece of solitude as hardly any one goes up there. I love being up high on the stormy seas with views across the rolling waves as the ship heaves up and down. The wild wind charging through the sky and battering the vessel – I love it! Gravity assisted running – just for a second I am flying! My Antarctic antics are continuing! My little feathered friends are growing up fast, and the air is cooling down. The southern winter is fast approaching at ... read more
Northern Giant Petrel
Antarctic Blue
In Search of a Beast

Antarctica » Antarctica February 5th 2016

“When the greatest of England’s bold voyagers perished, ‘Twas the ear of a savage that heard his last groans And far from the land where his memory is cherished On a tropical island are scattered his bones.” George Airy, Dolcoath. Thank you to the Explorers of Yesteryear Some colleagues and I shared a bottle of red wine, a nice plate of cheese and a box of chocolates. We are a multi-national expedition team, but we all share the same passion for the Polar Regions, and as the sun dipped behind the mighty icecap of the Tabarin Peninsula at Antarctica’s northern extreme, we raised a glass to the explorers of yesteryear. These early explorers who came down here with no charts or communication were among the last of the true explorers in the world. Most places had ... read more
Resting Crabeater
Up Close to the Crabbies
Adelie Penguins

Antarctica » Antarctica January 28th 2016

“I have often the impression that, to penguins, man is just another penguin – different, less predictable, occasionally violent, but tolerable company when he sits still and minds his own business.” Bernard Stonehouse. The Antarctic Circle - 66°33’16”South… The line of latitude that gets at least one day of every year when the sun doesn’t set and at least one day a year when the sun doesn’t rise. King Neptune let us sail over the Antarctic Circle into his icy realm of sea-ice that sprawled from horizon to horizon as the vessel nudged its way southward towards Marguerite Bay. Eventually the ice tangle turned to a solid barrier and we could go further. The massive ice sheet blanketing Adelaide Island lay before us but there was no way of reaching it – it was a spectacular ... read more
Emperors on Sea Ice
Emperors and Adelies
Emperor standing alone

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