BobsJoy's Guestbook

25th February 2022

You're free!!!
Have a wonderful trip...
25th September 2021
210917 Corfe Castle (86)

Link Hospital
Hey there! Useful Post, you always have good humor in your posts/blogs. So much fun and easy to read! And for the record, we are still at it on the Flash reading.
18th September 2021
210916 Corfe Castle (103)

Wonderful content Do post more
23rd August 2021

A homecoming present!
19th August 2021

erratum? no knowing whether you recd. the comment I was typing
It seems to have drifted off as I was looking up the word foray which would have been incorrect so trying again: might you change the car's name before your next adventure? R xxxx
20th August 2021

Not seen another comment from you so must have dissolved. The car is called what it is as there is a sticker on the back which names it !! It does rather suit it as it is actually a car without fact when Jane saw it she said "where's the rest of it". xx
13th August 2021
210807 Cambridge (209)

What is this pic of? Stunning!
8th August 2021

2019, Covid & motorhomes
I relate to how Covid can dull the enthusiasm to blog 2019 travel as lockdowns dampen perspectives in unforeseen ways. I am yet to blog Uzbekistan our last trip in 2019 after Russia, which was a highlight of long held desires, but your blog of South Africa that you just got in before the pandemic hit and your motorhome musings encourage me to shortly do so. Denise's wish is I retire and we buy a motorhome and disappear into the Aussie outback joining the Grey Nomads that inhabit those extremes. Due to Covid that may be the way forward as overseas travel for us is only in distant dreams.
8th August 2021
2020 09 conrwall (3)

The swans sure have it
Having a recent obsession photographing pelicans, I could not go past this fabulous pic of swans. There is a gaggle of geese but what is a collection of swans called?
8th August 2021
2020 06 iom (1)

Right of way
Another great image
8th August 2021
2020 04 wales (3)

Which way Wales?
Great image...imagining all sorts of things
7th August 2021

Nice to have you back
Locked down here in Budgewoi in Oz. Please keep posting. Helps us realize that all is not lost and travel is still possible.
23rd July 2019
Excellent blog enjoyed reading it
21st April 2019

Taxi services in India
Nice blog. You use a very beautiful images. Thanks for sharing this blog
7th April 2019

Taxi services in India
Your blog is to good. Thanks for sharing this blog. All images is so beautiful.
16th March 2019

Car Rental Travel
Marvelous work!. The blog is brilliantly written and provides all necessary information I really like this awesome post. Thanks for sharing this useful post.
4th March 2019

Thanks Joy, I am going to miss these when you come home. Love R
5th March 2019

Don't worry. I'm 4 days behind now. Just rammed the last thing into the case as we fly tomorrow morning so I'll be 'doing' Mumbai from home xxx
1st March 2019
190226 Udaipur (41)

Incredible India
I have resisted India to date but the more I see blogs on the subcontinent the more I feel what I am missing. As a portrait guy there appears no better place so I have been tempted. Now I see street scenes like in your photos and I cannot stop saying wow, wow, wow. This one is a cracker and deserves front page. Keep 'em coming.
1st March 2019

technical support services
nice post..
25th February 2019

It was really impressive published article. I do personally learn in the post and also I will share it to my friends later after reviewing. Really interesting post indeed. Thanks.
25th February 2019

Two body with one heart
24th February 2019
190221 Amritsar golden temple (272)

Amritsar Golden Temple
Such a rich array of photos. Looks like a great time had by all.

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