Page 21 of ATTS Travel Blog Posts

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a April 30th 2006

The last few days have been a little frustrating yesterday I had to go hunt an ATM that would accept my card found one eventually and score some air tickets which wasnt so difficult. However when I made my 3rd attempt to visit the Museum all looked rosey until they locked up about 20 minuts after I arrived and kicked me out. This was followed by a fruitless search for Yemeni horse stamps. So went back to the hotel found a novel in English by the dude who wrote the Horse Whisperer and did not leave the room till I read all 600 pages. This morning I jumped out of bed munched into my free breakfast and headed for the service taxi station to get one to Amran. I got there without difficulty, but thats where ... read more
Yemeni National Museum Entrance
Yemeni National Museum
Yemeni National Museum

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a April 28th 2006

Ear plugs work a charm slept like a log last night had a big breaky and wandered into the old town, taking alleyways randomly and just checking out the lives of the inhabitants. After a while I blundered into the Souk but this wasnt like the other day the shops spiralled out in every direction it was also market day so the streets were a buzz with people. Unlike the Khan al-Kalili in Cairo and the Covered Souk in Istanbul the number of tourists I encountered could be counted on one hand. Also there were no caps or tee-shirts on sale anywhere. I wandered for about 2 or 3 hours around the souk and the streets surrounding it finally wandering into a square that had a famous Hamman or Turkish Bathhouse, one of the locals invited ... read more
Old City
Old City
Old City

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a April 27th 2006

Getting out of the city this morning to visit some of the villages to the north of the city, cant find anyone to share the cost so going alone, the the driverat the hotel says $16 USD for the day. It wasnt an overly long trip to the first destination, the countryside along the way is barren and rocky except ofcourse for all the qat fields. Havent seen a dog since I have been here but there are heaps running around feral out here, who knows what they eat. The first place we visited was Thilla which turned out to be probably the best preserved of the villages, it is built into the mountain side and is a really pretty town with a stone stairway that leads up the cliff face to a fortress on top. ... read more
Village North of Sana a
Qat Field
Fortified Village

Middle East » Yemen » Sana'a April 26th 2006

Man is the atmosphere of the Souk worth the noise? Not when you have to be up at 4am. I even dragged myself out of bed before the Muezzin after a restless night of constantly interupted sleep. My flight for Yemen leaves at 6.55am so I am showered, eaten, packed an in a cab by 5, the streets were quiet and the trip quick. Check in took forever, but then it was through customs and off for the long long walk to the departure gate. They have an Irish pub in the airport so I am going to have to pop in the next time through for a Guinness. The plane was late in taking off and only about half full, I had a great seat with a shit load of leg room and thought all ... read more
Sana a
Hobit hole
Tower house

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai April 25th 2006

There seems to be a mosque behind every hotel and hostel so again no need for my $2 Chinese alarm clock this morning. Breakfast was typically Middle Eastern, flat bread, hommus, tea, cheese triangles and jam, quite satisfying really. Then it was pack up, check out and head for the bus stop out the front. It was hot damn hot and I was sweating buckets long before the bus arrived, a friendly bloke from Gujarat (India) missed a couple of his own buses while he waited to make sure I caught the right one. It was of course packed with Indian expats and space was limited, with a huge pack on my back but eventually I took up a couple of seats for the trip into Deira. It was quite long and I saw a fair ... read more
Grand Mosque - Dubai
Dubai Museum
Bastakia Quarter - Dubai

Middle East » Oman » Musandam Peninsula » Khasab April 24th 2006

It was an early start this morning and the muezzins call to prayer belted out across the city by loud speaker makes alarm clocks unnecessary. The first time you experience this it is incredibly exotic but after about the second day you start sticking in ear plugs, I am glad that it is banned at home. My bus arrived on time and we were on our way it took roughly an hour to pick up the tourists and travel through Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al-Qaiwain and Ajman three of the smaller Emirites to the border post at Tibat, Ajman is so small I could not be certain we were there, I wont be visiting the remaining Emirite Fujairah on this trip. The border process took some time but eventually we were through and followed this amazing ... read more
Khsab Harbour
Mode of Transport
View of the Deck

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Sharjah April 23rd 2006

This has been a long time in coming I know, and yes I am alive and well. Sharjah is the third largest of the Emirates after Dubai and Abu Dhabi and doesnt have the huge oil wealth of these but there are 4 others that are quite poor in comparison, more about them later. I arrived in Sharjah around 7am and alighted from the bus in the middle of town at Rolla Square. I then grabbed a taxi it took a while because I couldnt get the first few drivers to understand me. Finally however I was on my way and searching for the Sharjah Youth Hostel, an hour later I was still searching and beginning to run out of patience so I headed for a cheap central hotel which turned out to be more expensive ... read more
Islamic Architecture
The Grand Mosque
Pearl Monument

Asia » Singapore » Changi April 22nd 2006

Its 1am Singapore time and I am wandering around the airport in a daze. As far as airports go this aint a bad one, it has become like a second home for me as I have travelled through here 4 or 5 times now. Singapore is the half way mark of the flight from Australia but due to waiting time and time zone changes it will be 21 hours between boarding the Qantas domestic flight to Melbourne from Adelaide Airport to disembarking in Dubai. I asked the girl at the check in counter to put me with people I could talk to instead I got a family of Slovenes who couldnt speak english so spent the whole trip by myself, to top that off the movies they were showing I had already seen. Emirite airlines has ... read more
Terminal Building Adelaide
Tropical Garden in the Terminal at Changi

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide » Modbury Heights April 21st 2006

I have prepared a basic itinerary and attached it below, ofcourse these sort of plans go out the window the minute you walk on the plane but it gives an idea of where I would like to go. Only two days to go. Middle East Itinerary Arriving UAE, Sunday April 23, 5.10AM Deira mini bus station - Sharjah every 20 minutes Stay at the Sharjah Youth Hostel (Ph5225070) Pg 325 Visit the Heritage area, Sharjah Archaeological museum, Sharjah Desert Park 9am opening Monday April 24 Full day Dhow tour Musandam Peninsula (Oman) Tuesday April 25 Stay at Dubai Youth Hostel (Ph 2988161/51) Pg 314 Visit the Hatta Heritage Village (open - Al-Sabkha bus station Bus No16 every 50 minutes from 6am Khor Dubai, Dubai Museum, Sheikh Saeed al-Maktoum House, Jumeira Mosque Visit the Burj al-Arab ... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide » Modbury Heights March 21st 2006

After a lot of indecision I have finally chosen the destination of my next adventure. I chose this region of the world for a number of reasons the first being the shining review it got from Arthur a Melbourne lad I met in Cappadocia (Turkey) a few years ago. The second because war is a disaster when it comes to preserving a nations historical sites (Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iraq showed the world this) and this region is likely to become even more of a hotspot in the months to come, so I wanted to get in before the American or Israeli bombs. In seven weeks I plan to experience the best the Persian Gulf has to offer visiting UAE, Oman, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and ofcourse Iran. Saudi is out as it is the most difficult ... read more

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