ATTS's Guestbook

27th November 2015

Some Indians put all Indians to shame!
I feel bad as I read that you were annoyed by cheap, crazy Indians. They are some to them due to which all of us get a bad name. I have encountered some of these creeps on my trips too. Bon Voyage!
7th November 2015
Kangaroos on the headland above Boat Harbour Road

Nice photo
26th March 2015

Found your blog uncle dear
Hey there, wondered why you didn't msg me back! Enjoying your travel blog sounds like you are having a great time, I am jealous. We just brought tickets to go to America in October, only been 14 years since I went anywhere. Have lots of fun, have some for me too! Say hi to Ruth. Love Jamie
18th March 2015
Katra Majid

From Blog: Holi and Hati
10th March 2015
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Love the picture!
From Blog: Holi and Hati
8th March 2015

The diversity of India
We've only spent a few days in India. We enjoyed our time. This large country has so much to offer but there is an amazing diversity from area to area. Glad you organized your own trip. It sounds like a great adventure. Be safe. Eager to read more.
From Blog: Wild India
7th March 2015
Tibetan monastery

Amazing beautiful artwork.
From Blog: Holy Cities
22nd February 2015

The fields of red chills are beautiful. Truly low end accommodations when they don't have warm water and toilet paper. I'm past those kind of accommodations at this point in life. I don't mind basic but I want some basics. When you have to take naps to avoid looking at a country it might be time for a new country. The architecture is beautiful but I'm not sure you are enjoying the overall experience. Maybe I'm mistaken.
22nd February 2015

Hey I agree if my wife was with me I would be staying better where possible - still most are fine
19th February 2015

When you scolded your tongue, was it suitably chastised?? : )
19th February 2015

ancient monuments
I will chastise you soon lol
13th February 2015
Thank god it didnt see me

You always have to watch out for these guys or they will get you. Sounds like you are having a great trip.
From Blog: Arjuna's Penance
19th October 2014

Looks like a great hike. Your salmon sounded wonderful.
4th September 2014
Estonia's president downs a burger

Love photos like this one.
From Blog: Estonia
9th August 2014

Needing a break
Sometimes you need a vacation from the travel and new experiences. When on the road for long periods of time we have encountered sensory overload. I would like to see where the first Christmas tree was decorated.
From Blog: Old Riga
4th August 2014

A stork photo LOL !!! PS: Yes I would kill you if you brought more swords/knives/weapons of choice home
4th August 2014

Just one more please
3rd August 2014
A stange sight

It would be strange to see this as you come up the road.
30th July 2014
The church on the bloody

28th July 2014

Ice Cave
Sounds like the ice cave was a little disappointing but what a fantastic trip. Eager to read more.
29th July 2014

ice cave
Kitsch but still an interesting experience
22nd July 2014

Train travel
2nd class sounds pretty good and how nice of them to deliver your food. You are really seeing a lot of the countryside. I would love to see the Kremlin.
22nd July 2014

Kremlin in Moscow was ok, there are nice Kremlins in a number of cities
16th July 2014
The provodnitsa haunts the halls

We are going to take this trip some day.
From Blog: The Transiberian
18th July 2014
The provodnitsa haunts the halls

Give yourself plenty of time and never take a 3rd class train, also select your city's with care as some of them are really dull. I will come back to visit Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Yakutsk I think.
From Blog: The Transiberian

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