I don't care what the cost, I need a room with air con and a bathroom

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November 15th 2006
Published: December 16th 2006
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Khao San RdKhao San RdKhao San Rd

I have to say, I was expecting more..
So touching down in the luxurious and ENORMOUS new Bangkok airport we finally found the taxi stand after ensuring that we were going to be able to make the 30min drive to Khao San Rd without having to make the guy pull over.

After travelling throughout the rest of SE Asia and parts of China, we forgot how fast the drivers are around here and found ourselves glancing nervously at each other as we propelled along the freeway at 140kms an hour. We arrived safely though at this infamous backpacker area which we had avoided the previous two times we had been through BKK, but spurred on by recommendations from Em,Pete and Steve, we bit the bullet and headed for Sawadee Guest house. Nice place, better still that they had an aircon room available with private toilet. The two essentials at this point in time.

We retire early clutching our stomachs and laughing through gritted teeth at the wonders of the human body.

17th Nov
Next day was spent sleeping and leaving our room briefly for water and essential admin tasks such as trains to the South and visas for Burma (good work Richards) then scurrying back again.
Train trip from HellTrain trip from HellTrain trip from Hell

It may look blurry to you... but I assure you, it looked blurry to us too.

It was on one of these water missions that I ran into who but Ben Smith from Baulkham Hills - a top bloke that I haven't seen in about 4 years. So it was with fond memories that the two of us sat down and had a few bottles of water and a soup with ol' Ben and caught each other up on different bits of goss. He should be coming home to a Hills area near you for Chrissie, so keep your eyes peeled.

18th Nov
Ok, no more hiding.. we've got to make the overnight train leaving that afternoon. So we attempt the first stages of solid foods with surprising success and do a light bit of shopping.

Unlike the train to Chiang Mai we took many months ago, we went for the 2nd class option this time and if we weren't so ill, it would have been just fine and dandy. Unfortunately, we were faced with the dilemma that the toilet for the whole carriage was only 1 row of beds away, and the door separating the sleeping quarters with the place to refresh oneself was stuck open. Further to this, while we waited for an eternity for the train to depart, nature called having no feelings on the awkward position it would leave Andrew in when he had to comply, and then to learn after the fact that there is no water available while the train is still stationary. Oh the social faux pas.

11 hours later we arrive in Surat Thani after an excrutiating sleep on Nunny's behalf, and an interesting game of musical beds in the row in front of us. We are herded onto a bus that then takes us to another bus, that then stops for us to get on a mini-bus and finally we are in Ao Nang - 22 hours after we left Bangkok. I've had better days.


22nd March 2007

Wow, you guys sound like a bunch of babys. I guess its a testament to the fact that the only way your going to have a good time in S.E.Asia is if your willing to be out of your comfort zone for extended periods of time. "I dont like Koh San RD, theres no water on this train, the bathroom isnt too my liking" WAH, I WANT MY MOMMY!!!" maybe you should of went to Disney land.

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