It's More Fun In The Philippines part 2

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January 20th 2013
Published: February 6th 2013
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So it's Sunday morning and pretty much everything in the city is shut (except for the bars of course), so we head back to the airport to the Philippine Airlines (PAL) office to re-ticket.

The guy behind the counter seems pleasant enough and asks how my day is (it's JUST after 9:00am). I tell him and explain why and he says "Well let's see if we can do anything to change that for you."

It's at THIS point that the pleasantries cease and the sniveling little sycophant does absolutely nothing except stick to the rule book showing NO willingness whatsoever to budge one iota. His first solution was going to cost an <span>additional AUD2,500 in air fares and airline penalties alone. it was until Squish started questioning and negotiating in Tagalog that we found there were more viable options available.

At this point I decided that discretion would be the better part of valour and allowed Squish to handle things. The end result was that I was to stay an additional 10 days and the new difference was only USD260. Once this was settled, I asked the PAL rep if I could at least be assured the same seat as originally booked and paid for (32A) which he assured me would be done. . . . . . HA!

WE then go back to the hotel, Squish packs her bags and heads off to MoA and the airport again to fly home.

I have an early night in anticipation of another "FUN" day tomorrow trying to sort out my VISA woes.


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