Malaysia Travel Blog...the prologue

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March 14th 2014
Published: March 14th 2014
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On which soil we stand on, that is where we carry the weight of the sky... ~ Malaysian Proverb

Selamat people!

It’s been 14 months between our travels, and it has seemed like such a long time. As you may have guessed from the greeting, we are Asia bound – to Malaysia. To be honest, it wasn’t our first destination choice for this trip. However, the other top contenders – Mexico and China – required far more time that we could muster right now, so Peninsular Malaysia it is.

This is our second trip to Malaysia. However, the last time we only spent two days in Kuala Lumpur, with a day trip to Melaka. We know a little about Malaysian history, culture and food, but not a this trip has been much anticipated.

The Malay culture has mixed with Chinese, Indian, Portuguese, Dutch and English influences over a long history that has been rich in trade and immigration. Malaysia is marketed as a melting pot of these various races, religions and cultures, and we are eager to see how this translates to the food, the architecture, the Malaysian sense of identity and the reality of everyday living.

We’ll be visiting eight of the thirteen states/territories in Peninsular Malaysia – starting in the chaotic and vibrant skyscraper-land that is Kuala Lumpur, and then heading to modern regional cities, old ports, preserved colonial towns, small villages, islands, beaches, ancient rain forests and lush highlands filled with tea. We will first travel along the west coast on a trip with a very high focus on getting to know the food; then with more of an adventurous bent, we will head inland and cross the spiny mountains of the peninsular to the east coast. Hopefully we’ll strike the right balance of exploration and relaxation that we are aiming for.

Andrew’s favourite noodle dish is char kway teow, and Ren struggles to say no to a good laksa or anything with sambal – so we are seriously hungry with excitement. And we have just read that there’s a 24hr meatball and noodles vendor near one of our hotels! We have both accepted the fact that we are going to be coming home a few sizes larger. And on that note, we must apologise in advance for the number of om-nom-noms and food photos our future posts are surely going to hold.

Here is a quick snapshot of Malaysia: it has a population of just under 29 million; the capital is Kuala Lumpur; the currency is Ringgit; and the language is Bahasa Malaysia/Malay (although English, Hokkien, Cantonese and Tamil are also spoken widely).

The weather is a standard 25-30 degrees all year round in most of the country, with the main variable factor being the humidity. The east and west coasts have different weather patterns, and we are hoping for reasonable levels of humidity by timing our visit to the west coast before the rainy season and our visit to the east coast after their monsoon. However, we have heard that the seasons aren’t keeping to their normal schedules...

We’ve had a very mixed bag of summer weather in Tasmania so far – startlingly hot days, humid damp days and stormy rainy days – so whatever the Malaysian weather throws at us, chances are we’ve experienced it recently. 😊

If you received notification of this post via a subscription email and no longer wish to do so – please feel free to unsubscribe (via the link on the email). Conversely, if you are interested in this trip, click here to subscribe and receive an email alert whenever we add a new entry. If you are a travel blog member, you also have the option of clicking on the ‘Follow’ button on our profile. As with our previous blogs, we will upload some photos here, but the more personal pictures will be on our facebook pages.

As we get closer to the end of the day, we can feel ourselves switching from calm ‘travel planning mode’, to thrilled ‘about to travel mode’. The butterflies of excitement have been released.

One more sleep!
Ren and Andrew

Films that set the scene for this trip...
Sham Moh (At the End of Daybreak), directed by Yuhang Ho (2009);
Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations, Series 8, Episode 4 Penang (2012).

Travel reading on this trip...
Lonely Planet Guide Malaysia;
Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad (Andrew);
The Garden of Evening Mists by Tan Twan Eng (Ren).


14th March 2014

Have lots of fun and I'm looking forward to reading all about it
14th March 2014

Re: exciting
Thanks Deni, Dax and Ella! Can you tell that we are very excited? :)
14th March 2014

Let the Fun Begin!
I am so excited to start reading about your travels. You do such a good job of painting visual pictures of the sights and foods you encounter. Travel safely and know I will be with you each blog of the way.
14th March 2014

Re: Let the Fun Begin!
Thanks very much Brendan - you say the loveliest things :)
14th March 2014

It's about time you had another trip!
I'm already a Follower and look forward to your blogs. Have a great time.
14th March 2014

Re: It's about time you had another trip!
Thanks Bob! We are very much looking forward to it :)
14th March 2014

14 months in between trips should be illegal!
The more food photos the better from our perspective. Food gives us the flavor of the culture. It is a celebration and joy. Waiting for those taste bud descriptions and lovely photos. Sounds like your research will pay off and you'll let it flow as needed to experience the people and the culture. This is going to be a fun trip. Our time in Malaysia was limited so hearing your thoughts will be appreciated.
17th March 2014

Re: 14 months in between trips should be illegal!
MJ I certainly agree with you that there should be a 6 month non-travel period limit! We have had so much wonderful food already and it's only Day 2... I think the KL blog is going to be 90% food photos :)
15th March 2014

travel bugs
good to know you guys are out and about again! Enjoy! I hope you are not too caught up in the drama of the missing flight..doesn't make good reading.Have fun and good eating
17th March 2014

Re: travel bugs
Thanks Viv and Chris! The missing plane has been much discussed with locals we've met... it's so sad.
15th March 2014

Asia Malaysia
Cant believe it has been a year since I met you both in Tasmania with Rachael. I am looking forward to your travel blogs. Kind regards, Jackie Trotter
17th March 2014

Re: Asia Malaysia
Thanks Jackie! If the two days we've had in KL is any indication, we are going to have a very enjoyable time here :)
15th March 2014

Looking forward to vicariously experiencing an enlarged belt size due to your delicious food writing. ;)
17th March 2014

Oh my goodness Michelle, the food here is fabulous! I can already feel my clothes shrinking ;)
15th March 2014

Food clueless...
I know you two are major foodies, so I'm looking forward to munching vicariously through your blog. However, I 'm rather clueless on the char kway teow, laksa and sambal though I think the latter is a spicy sauce. So, when you describe your mouthwatering treats, would you please elaborate a bit. Happy adventuring!
17th March 2014

Re: Food clueless...
Hi Tara, we will certainly be adding many food photos and descriptions as we go... we did a food tour of Indian food today and it was fabulous, but I'm now lying here in a small food coma :)
16th March 2014

have you landed safely
Hope all is well and you are enjoying the great food and hospitality R&R&E xxx
17th March 2014

Re: have you landed safely
Ralphy we are really loving KL! xx

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