Rose and Ron Krumpos in Malaysia

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Asia » Malaysia » Penang
February 10th 2022
Published: February 10th 2022
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Eating at food stalls with Thai International's manager in Penang
On Penang island we were hosted by the E&O (Eastern & Oriental)...a Colonial hotel built in 1885 (now closed). We were just seated for dinner in its stuffy, formal dining room when Thai International's Manager swept in. He was a jovial - and somewhat loud - Chinese Malay who said "you don't want to eat in this place" and took us out to a night market of food stalls serving an amazing array of seafood. Delicious and fun!

We took a funicular up to a Buddhist temple, which had many snakes...kept sleepy by the smell of incense. Ron had a long and controversial interview with the Straits Times newspaper. Malaysia's population was primarily ethnic Malays, but Penang was mostly Chinese. A jolly tour operator from Penang joined our California tour for Asians attending the ASTA (American Society of Travel Agents) convention. He played saxophone, with Alwin Zecha on drums, sitting in at a jam session in Anaheim. We brought them to Disneyland the next day.


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