One day stop in Penang, Malaysia

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Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town
May 16th 2019
Published: July 2nd 2019
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We were disappointed this morning to find that it was raining. But it was still very hot and humid, so we carried on with our plans to go ashore. Maybe 35 - 38 degrees we think.

The cruise port in Penang is rather small, but they did have a good exchange bureau, so we used the €30 we got back from the Indian Rupees to buy a few Ringgits.

As it was still raining, we thought the best thing to do was to try to catch a bus. Penang has a free bus service that goes around George town, so we thought that would be a great place to start. Unfortunately, there were so many other people on the bus by the time we found where to get on that the bus was totally full. No chance of seeing anything out of the windows at all.

We caught the red line at the bus station which finished at the other bus station at the other side of George Town. At this point, we decided that if we actually wanted to see anything, we should walk.

It was still spitting with rain, so we walked along the edge of the buildings so as not to get too wet.

Our first stop was the Upside Down Museum. We had heard about this before we left home. We had lots of fun here.

The museum has various staged rooms and the staff tell you how to stand in each to make it look like you are upside down. They also take all the photos and videos that you will want. A very enjoyable hour spent in here.

By the time we left the museum, it had stopped raining. So we decided to walk our way through the streets back to the ship.

We made a brief stop in Little India and sampled some of their street food. Someone later told us that they would not do this as they were worried that it would upset their stomachs. We have had no issues on this trip. It can be some of the best food if you are careful about where you go. The mandatory medical advice for eating street food was protection against Typhoid Fever. We did this before leaving Spain. Often people do not bother which has all sorts of bad / dangerous implications.

After about 4 hours off the ship, we went back through the cruise terminal. We had a few ringgits left so managed to change this into $5 American. We also stopped to buy our neighbour at home a bag of Malaysian coffee.

Tonight, we had a delivery of all the formalities for our departure in Singapore on Saturday.

We had planned to make a quick visit into the Marina Bay Sands area tomorrow night, but they are warning of long queues, so we shall leave that until Saturday.

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