Naha - Okinawa

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Asia » Japan » Okinawa » Naha
September 5th 2021
Published: September 5th 2021
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It was good to see Becka back doing tours in Okinawa. A knowledgable guide and explaining how Okinawa consists of 160 large and small islands including 47 inhabited islands.

During the Pacific War, Okinawa was the site of the only land battle in Japan that involved civilians. After the war, Okinawa was placed under the administration of the United States. In 1972, Okinawa was returned to Japanese administration.

We were in the port village of Tomari.

We saw memorial stones relating to A Karate Master - The Origins of Karate can be traced back to Okinawa Island. A Kabuki story, & Commodore Perry. All well explained by Becka.

As we walked towards the port area we passed a local school where Becka & James teach Karate and we saw the flower gardens that are tended by the children.

We arrived at the Tomari Foreigners Cemetery. A total of 22 foreigners from 6 countries, including Chinese and Americans are buried here. The oldest tombstone is for a Chinese person who was buried in 1718.

Commodore Perry, Ambassador to the United States, was sent to Japan in 1853 for the opening of Japan
to the world. He first landed on Okinawa at Tomari Port. Commodore Perry revisited Tomari Port a total of five times to use it as a supply base for his duties. In 1854, Perry signed a Treaty of Peace and Amity with Japan, then soon after signed a similar treaty with Okinawa. A memorial was erected in a corner of the cemetery in Commodore Perry's honor in 1964.

A very interesting & well prepared tour.

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