Going Solo

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July 27th 2007
Published: August 8th 2007
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It's been a long day I arrived here at 8.30am local time that's 2 and half hours behind Adelaide and headed straight off to the Puri Mangku Negaran and Kraton Surakarta they were worth a look the Kraton is quite large and is the residence of the king of Solo, and had a lot of old interesting memorabilia.

Then it was off on a 6 hour bike ride (pinion) to check out some old Hindu temples, specifically Candi Sukuh and Candi Ceto, they were both really worth the effort, they looked like something the Maya built.

The problem was that the motorbikes here are not real big and my arse will never forgive me, also the traffic here is some what insane and I thought I was going to die so many times.

We did have a little accident up in the mountains, I will have another scar to add to the ones I already scored on this trip, I am also beetroot red, the sun here is just like home, will have to start using the 30+.

I am totally exhausted, I am up early again tomorrow to go get my train to Yogjakarta, to see the
ancient temples that surround the town, these are why I am here, they are one of the three great sights of south east asia the others being Ankhor (Cambodia) and Bagan (Myanmar), I have been to Ankhor and missed Bagan because I ran out of money so I am extremely excited.

The train trip was easy and stress free and quite quick, I spent more time in the Reservation office when I arrived then I did on the train.

The hotel is nice and I have just been wandering around the streets here checking things out, tomorrow I am off around the country side to see Borobudur and other wonders.

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Photos: 21, Displayed: 21


Stone carving Stone carving
Stone carving

Candi Sukuh
More carvingsMore carvings
More carvings

Candi Sukuh
Puri MangkunegaranPuri Mangkunegaran
Puri Mangkunegaran

Ivory carving
Puri MangkunegaranPuri Mangkunegaran
Puri Mangkunegaran

Historic Dutch Building
Candi SetoCandi Seto
Candi Seto

The different gates between man and the gods
The giantThe giant
The giant

Candi Sukuh
More carvingsMore carvings
More carvings

Candi Sukuh

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