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Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Kodai
March 23rd 2010
Published: April 19th 2010
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Back to the hill stations

Just past Kodaikanal (where we stayed before at the Youth Hostel), is a little village known as Vatta, almost undiscovered, and stunningly beautiful. We found a fabulous village house nestled amongst the apple orchards, complete with kitchen, fireplace and awesome views.

GP quickly became our inhouse chef, using cheap local produce to create an array of delicious, nutritious meals, as well as mastering the art of Masala Chai ( milky, spicy tea...yummy).

From our little home we were able to go for long hilly walks , meeting cows, monkeys (see photos), and friendly locals along the way.

We did also treat ourselves to trips into town for Tibetan momos, and homemade chocolates.
Most evenings were spent in front of the fire playing round after round of very competitive Rummy..... a welcome break.....

Additional photos below
Photos: 42, Displayed: 22


8th May 2010
Our good luck charms

Well if it isn't the 3 little Indians! How the heck are you guys?! - Just trying to catch up on your monster adventure - been in Tasmania for 6 weeks picking grapes and living in Trevor - our 1984 Mitsubishi Starwagon Express!! Good times - anyhoot, our pc gave up the ghost so we lost touch with the world which to be honest was quite wonderful! Back in Melbourne now and heading North for some sunshine - almost froze my melons off in Tazzie! Loving the stories and the pics - looks like you're all having an incredible adventure - and stoked that the green rhino is doing his job! i feel awful that i can't remember his name?! i do remember that we gave him an awesome one at the Box on your last eve?! Ho hum... hope you're still on schedule for the New Zealand rendezvous! Missing you mutts span but so happy you're all safe and having such an amazing time. Word to all the cows - you know how i love me a good bovine:) Lots of love eM, Slime, Trevor and the kids xx

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