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March 5th 2010
Published: March 18th 2010
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Hill Station

Two more buses and more than a hint of travel sickness, and we arrive at another hill station. So much cooler and fresher up in the hills... Apple orchards and Gum trees replace the now familiar Tea.

Rejecting noisy hotels in town, we found what felt like an old cow shed perched at the top of the hill...the views were absolutely breathtaking, and almost all to ourselves.
Guy was awake at sunset everyday taking in the mountains. In the mornings the clouds covered the valleys so we were above them looking onto carpets of clouds, Kodaikanal, highly recommended.

Here we were able to go exploring, taking very long walks around the hills. We found playful Monkeys, moody Bison, and many many panoramic views. Cheecky monkeys all over following you, never trust a monkey. Kodai town was quaint and had a strong Tibetan contingency, Momos all round.

The Sunday market brought the little town to life, with all sorts of colours and smells, and loud determined haggling over fish, fruit, veg, fresh herbs, and all kinds of tasty fare.

If we ever get the chance this would be a wonderful place to return to.

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Photos: 25, Displayed: 22


12th April 2010

WOW!! What a beautiful place. Liffy, your Mum called me on Easter Sunday after speaking to you - gave me an update as requested - glad you are both well + am still very jealous! Only a few weeks left now until the wedding - as people keep reminding us!! Still have the hen weekend and stag weekend to go - not really sure what's happening?!! Have a dress fitting + trial hair + makeup next week. Had a pre-wedding shoot at the venue with Emma Coleman the other day - it was good fun. I bumped into Simone Harvey randomly in Sainsburys the other day - she is living in Teddington! I'll stop wittling now. Loads of love, hugs and kisses to both of you, Bubbles + Kevin xxx

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