Working for the Sloth Bear

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January 25th 2012
Published: April 16th 2012
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Come back hereCome back hereCome back here

It’s a cool morning and there is a light fog covering the ground, after breakfast we were cleaning our teeth when the monkeys took up residence outside our front door, I went out to move them along when the male attacked me and I had nothing but a mouth full of tooth paste so I spat it at him, he was momentarily surprised but then he charged at me again, I stood my ground and he backed off.

It is painting day at the sanctuary today but Ruth and I are collating medical files for the bears, we have to record all the details of inoculation history, weight, when they were last wormed etc, it took most of the morning to complete the files we were given. The lads turned up about this time with a magnificent Speckled Cobra and no sooner had they removed it from the bag then it puffed up its hood, we all took a few steps back while madly taking photos. The guy controlling the snake couldn’t get it back in the bag so he enlisted Nadi to hold it, and she was almost bitten. Emma was screaming at everyone to get back as another guy from the Agra Sanctuary came forward and he had the snake in the bag in a matter of seconds.

We returned to the camp for lunch and Emma was attacked twice by that monkey who went for me. We also have a large number of Indian men staying in the dorm behind us hopefully they will keep their noise down. We didn’t get back to the sanctuary till 3.30pm, Ruth and I are building hammocks today, I was manning the drill which was great fun and Ruth and various others were putting in the bolts we completed eight lengths by knock off time.

On the way back to the camp we saw some Gaur, Muntjacs, Sambar and Mouse deer. The Adelaide girl Joanne had her tent broken into today the monkeys stole some wet ones, lollies and had made a general mess. Ruth is not feeling the best so we stuck to our tent and tried to go to bed early, unfortunately the Indians in the dormitory were drunk and making a hell of a noise so around 11pm I had had enough and I blasted them, after that they quieted down.

The next morning we
Not a happy boyNot a happy boyNot a happy boy

returned to the sanctuary and Ruth and I returned to building hammocks we were much faster today and in no time we had completed sixteen bands so we went and joined the guys making the frames and assisted them in weaving the bands together and then tied the poles in place. This hammock was only big enough for one bear so we went back to work to build a larger version. Just before lunch Ruth and I went to help the keepers feed the fruit to the bears it was a good opportunity to get some video of the bears running towards us with their hair blowing in the breeze I had a great time in the back of the Ute while Ruth played with spiders inside. After lunch we continued building hammocks while others worked on various tasks until late in the day when the bears were released back into their enclosure to play on the new equipment and to squabble over treat balls. It was wonderful to see them so enjoying the fruits of our labours

Our last day at the sanctuary involved more work on the big hammock which we have finally completed; we then joined the girls to help complete the frame and ladders. The rest of the morning was spent pulling broken parts off another platform in an enclosure that was undergoing renovation before going crazy buying bear shirts and various other souvenirs to help the charity.

It was soon time to return to the camp for a presentation from the Park CEO Dr Raju. When we arrived the camp was crawling with screaming children, running, fighting, arguing and playing cricket there would be no more peace her for us tonight. After another boring Indian lunch we all moved to the conference room where we were issued the questions that the dignitary wanted us to ask him and then the farce began, he talked about how important he was, answered our questions poorly and accepted his gift and that was that, our last day and we had waste two hours of it on that git.

We returned to the sanctuary after 4pm and went to see Bobby who was too busy eating to amble over so, we went up on the roof to watch some other bears clambering on the new platforms. At 5.30pm we returned to the camp spotting a wild elephant and its calf on a hillside, it was amazing, we had been looking for elephant’s everyday and to finally see them in our last few minutes in the park was wonderful.

On returning to the camp we said our farewells to the vets and the Indian staff before trying our best to relax despite the hundred or so screaming children all around us.

Additional photos below
Photos: 25, Displayed: 25


Me firstMe first
Me first

No need to argueNo need to argue
No need to argue

An instant hitAn instant hit
An instant hit

Can I eat this?Can I eat this?
Can I eat this?

I see youI see you
I see you

She has a calfShe has a calf
She has a calf


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