Getting acquainted with our scooter and the Goan roads

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February 28th 2019
Published: March 4th 2019
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Went along to reception after a leisurely breakfast, because it is impossible to rush in Goa. Far to hot and laid back here and this is our chill out time.

Oops scooter I had asked about before we arrived and been told they would sort it when we got here, was a non-starter. If there had been any available before, there were none now, all hired out. They suggested we could pop along to Colva and pick one up from there but not really happy as I had asked about it before we came And last night.

Reception girl decided to try harder and phoned “Steve” who came up with the goodies and 30 minutes later our scooter arrived. Came with only one helmet though we had asked for two so a second helmet appeared with the scooter which came to collect the lad who delivered ours. Ok helmet is used in loose terms here. Only thing it did was keep my hair from flying about as I couldn’t tighten the strap and once fastened couldn’t get it off but at least it had a chinstrap. Bob’s didn’t ! This is India, it is what we expect.

We went for a little ride round to check it was good. The lad had put a bottle of fuel in it but the fuel gauge didn’t seem to be working which was interesting to say the least.

Colva is the happening place nearest to our hotel, a mile down the road. Wouldn’t stay here if they paid me but lots do. Must be getting either old or snobbish, not sure which but Beleza Beach on Betalbatim lovely quiet endless sandy beach suits us much better. Suffice it to say that we will not be making use of any of the sunbeds laid out in rows at Colva beach nor indulging in the ever popular pastime of "we'll just go up to the water's edge and we'll take selfies".

Back at the hotel and the promised change of room. As it’s the second room change we’ve had this trip we are now good at it and can fling things into cases and bags in only 10 minutes. Have to admit we’ve been living out of our cases mainly except for my skirts which I hang up (and bring my own hangers as skirt hangers are Never supplied).

Our new room is 100% better. Faces out to the reception entrance, right away from the building work and an extra bonus, we have some gorgeous Flower Pecker birds flitting about in the pink flowering tree just beside the balcony. Have told reception we are now entirely happy. All we wanted was a quiet room with a few birds to watch.

We also have bananas and coconuts growing in the trees just outside our room. This is after all a tropical paradise but have to say that the gardens round the hotel are beautifully planted.

Then off again on the scooter to find a bird watching space somewhere along the road in the opposite direction to Colva. Bob found “Bird watching spot” marked on Google Maps so we turned right at Arossim just past a swampy area and drove some village tracks until we came back to the main road without finding where to stop. Round again and we found where we should be and stopped to watch the birds for a while. We attempted to identify them but generally failed as the bird book I have brought is just a digest and India is a Big place. Did see lots of herons, 4 types and a kingfisher. White Throated variety and a joy to see as it flew down to a perch with a glorious flash of turquoise.

Back then to the hotel and the superb swimming pool. Have to get out rather inelegantly as the last step up is high and I don’t like to take all the weight on my new knee but am so delighted I can still swim even if not quite as fast as before.

We ate at Little Palm restaurant where we ate last year, it had relocated from left to right of the hotel but the owner was the same and well pleased to see us (I showed him a photo of our last visit) and the food excellent. Same as last year we shared one enormous seabass. We’ve had no fish up to now as we’ve been well away from any coastline but here the fish is straight from the sea.

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4th March 2019

Thanks Joy, I am going to miss these when you come home. Love R
5th March 2019

Don't worry. I'm 4 days behind now. Just rammed the last thing into the case as we fly tomorrow morning so I'll be 'doing' Mumbai from home xxx

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