Onwards to Vietnam (Nanning, Guangxi Province, China)

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Asia » China » Guangxi » Nanning
October 25th 2008
Published: October 24th 2008
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(Day 204 on the road)My second time in China is coming to an end. At the moment I am in Nanning in the very south of the country, waiting for my Vietnamese visa to come through. Nanning is quite boring (the guidebook says the city is "very hard to love"), with nothing to do at all except wandering the streets. Or, in my case, rather cycling it: Traffic, as everywhere in China, is mad and seems to obey no traffic rules whatsoever. Never one to give too much about traffic rules myself when on a bike, this is perfect, and I am sure I have broken every law in the book on my cycles through the city with the hostel's rental bike.

I am staying in a very nice hostel indeed with a few others who are also on their way to Vietnam, and we are spending a few lazy days. The highlights of the days are always the evenings when very emotional matches on the hostel's Nintendo Wii console take place. I have never played this before and so didn't know about it, but they have some fancy remote controllers and a receiver that catches your movements, so you actually have to perform the moves of the game you are playing (ie. swinging the remote like a tennis racket). Amongst their amazing collection of games, we have been playing tennis, bowling, winter olympics, table tennis and of course golf, which was the personal highlight for me (and yes I won, hehe).

Tomorrow I will take an early morning bus to Hanoi, hopefully arriving there some seven hours later.

Next stop: Hanoi (Vietnam).

To view my photos, have a look at pictures.beiske.com. And to read the full account of my journey, have a look at the complete book about my trip at Amazon (and most other online book shops).


7th April 2009

Liebe Grüße aus Mainz
Lieber Ben, habe eben mal nach längerer Zeit und mit mittlerer Motivation durch das XING geklickt: Und was lese ich? ENDLICH mal was interessantes! Ich finde es großartig, dass Du auf Weltreise bist. Du machst es genau richtig. Ich schaffe es jetzt leider nicht, Deinen Blog zu lesen (muss in die Heia... und morgen wieder früh raus), werde das aber nachholen. Dir wünsche ich eine tolle Zeit, viele interessante Erlebnisse. Genieße es. Vielleicht bis bald - viele liebe Grüße aus Mainz Steffi

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