Finishing the Trans Siberian Railway (Beijing, China)

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June 18th 2008
Published: June 18th 2008
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(Day 75 on the road) Beijing! After another good 30 hours on the train from Ulaan Baatar (with a short stop in Jinning to change trains and have a nice dinner), I have arrived in the Chinese capital. After traveling for exactly 7865 kilometers, today thus marks the day that I finished the Transsib. Starting in Moscow on May 13th and traveling all across Russia and Mongolia, it took me over a month to complete this epic journey, and it was worth every bit of it. I have met an unbelievable amount of nice people, both on the trains and on the streets, and of course in the hostels I stayed in.

Russia amazed me, and I guess I will be back to explore more one day. I had very limited expectations regarding Mongolia, but what I did find and experience was mesmerizing, the highlight certainly being the trip to the Gobi Desert. Now I am back in China, a country that has fascinated me for a long time, and this time I am planning to explore some areas of this huge country that I haven't previously visited (which is actually most of it).

Next stop: Beijing (China).

To view my photos, have a look at And to read the full account of my journey, have a look at the complete book about my trip at Amazon (and most other online book shops).


19th June 2008

Do not do it in one time
Dear friend, do not explore China in one time. Please leave some and go with us. Perhaps, we can show you around much more in detail. Enjoy the Games and please remember that we are watching you. haa...
15th February 2010

Trans Siberian Railway
I have heard about this railway since I was a little boy. Another trip I have to take.

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