Marguerite Bay and Bongrain Pt (Porquois Pas Island)

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February 17th 2016
Published: March 17th 2016
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We sailed this morning into Marguerite Bay and became the first Ponant boat to sail this far south 68.1°(2419 km from the South Pole). This caused much excitement particularly from the captain.

We then had our first off zodiac excursion. We were taken to Pourquois Pas (Why Not) Island, discovered by French explorer Jean-Baptiste Charcot and named after his boat, to see the Adelie penguins and their rookeries. At this time of year they are completing the moulting season (about two weeks) before heading back to sea with their waterproof coat on.

The Adelie Penguin often looks overweight. It is short but wide. They are very short with an overall height of no more than 30 inches. They weigh approximately 8-13 pounds. They can be identified by the white rings around their eyes. Their beak has a red color to it but the tip of it is black.

In the afternoon we had another zodiac excursion. This time to Jenny Island inhabited by Elephant and fur seals. Jenny Island is situated on the south east side of Adelaide Island. The strait between the two islands is called the Elliot Strait. We had to keep a distance from the elephant seals as they were moulting as well. While the seals are moulting they are fasting, forced to stay on land and unable to feed so they are none too happy with their lot.

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Porquois Pas IslandPorquois Pas Island
Porquois Pas Island

A beautiful sunny day with the possibility of change!!

It was very interesting to see the water splashing inside the ice. It changed colour each time

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