A long wet boring drive in the rain

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Africa » Zambia
March 3rd 2020
Published: March 3rd 2020
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I guess not every day can be an exciting one. We just spent 10 hours in the car driving on relative good tarmac (occasional massive pothole) through endless forests and scrubland and mainly in the rain through Zambia.

I could talk about getting slightly dodgy sausages for lunch and the time it took to arrange road tax as well as the slightly dodgy man who wanted us to pay something called “council tax” (amounting to £4) but it is probably better you understand we mostly drove a long way.

The good news is we are on track and Nelly is holding up well although we think the rear shock absorbers might have had it after yesterday’s brutal drive so we hope to pick up some new ones tomorrow on our way through Lusaka.

It’s raining so much we’ve decided to check into a hotel rather than camp, we hope the weather improves tomorrow.


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