now, into the mud...

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Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Johannesburg
April 29th 2010
Published: April 29th 2010
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No photos right now... sorry... but it has been nice lately- here in the city of gold- we are still working at the backpackers, day in day out, not a lot of variation- mainly enjoying our mornings with walks to the park or the shopping centers to window shop or find hidden treasures in craft markets, eating falafel wraps and digging through old photographs sold in cracking wooden frames- we continue on, smiling at the familar images implanted on clocks and shirts and anything you can think of- has become an advertisement for the vibrancy of South Africa- and we press on...
into the mud we went ,in the Lusito Land festival.. will hopefully have photos of that soon, waiting to get those from a fellow backpacker who did have her camera with her, unlike Elisha and I, yeh again forgot- this festival is a celebration of the Portuguese culture in South Africa... raising money for mentally/physically handicapped children... music that I swear came straight out of Northside Fort Worth, familiar words - corozon- indeed, the smell of chilis roasting and chorizo and buttery corn- it was a step out, something very different- a look into one of the minority groups that make up this amazing and diverse nation... we also recently discovered Mexican Fresh. this restaurant down the street, about 35 minute walk, is so good..offering veg versions of everything, the cook is Mexican and married to a South African and they made us aware of a small but successful Mexican population in Joburg... they said basically a lot of business savvy Mexicans come here for better opportunity, less corruption and a more stable economy and start businesses... we were both excited about the news ( and the food...)
and yes, they sell Corona.

more to come, more to come...
and photos as well...
take care!!


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