Over to Praslin

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Africa » Seychelles » Praslin
March 4th 2019
Published: March 4th 2019
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(CJ writes) Things we have learned about the Seychelles:
* the islands have a chequered history: occupied by freed slaves, colonised by France and then gained independence, then the British took over - and they eventually gained independence again. Consequently the first language is Kreol, the official language is English and place names, businesses etc tend to be in French, which nearly everybody speaks. Prices for locals are in Seychelles rupees, tourist prices are in euros;
* drivers are almost all lunatics. They’ll pull out of a turning - looking right at you - when you’re only a couple of yards away. They’ll routinely drive hanging half way over the centre line (and the roads are barely wide enough for two vehicles). They’ll overtake on blind corners. And the bus drivers are worse than that!
* the Seychelles are a lush, green, tropical paradise. That’s because when it rains, it comes down in buckets. Big buckets. Bigger than the Niagara Falls buckets. But always warm and humid.

(SC writes) Yesterday, despite it being a wet and grey day, we managed to do the local botanic gardens (and got very bitten by the local bugs). We were rewarded by a fine sunset.

(CJ again) This morning we left the busy but oh-so-photogenic Beau Vallon beach on Mahé, the largest island in the Seychelles, and transferred by ferry to Praslin. Yesterday’s downpours continued sporadically throughout the night, and it’s still very overcast today - so very hot, very humid and very grey. And when we got to our little boutique hotel we discovered that they’d screwed up our booking and had no room for us tonight! Instead we’ve been transferred to a nearby apartment block which, like the hotel, has a gate onto the beach. The hotel will pick us up to take us back for breakfast, will treat us to dinner (with bottle of wine) in their restaurant, and agreed to a much needed late checkout without any quibbles. And they’ll get us a hire car at a discount. We are prepared to be mollified...Tonight we’ve booked into a local restaurant - French/Creole - which looks very nice indeed.

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Unexpected accommodation tonightUnexpected accommodation tonight
Unexpected accommodation tonight

Double booked hotel! But they have looked after us well.

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