Blogs from Fes, Fès-Boulemane, Morocco, Africa - page 3


Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes September 12th 2018

A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you can control it. - John Steinbeck I woke up this morning to Susan saying “it’s 8 o’clock!” What do you mean it’s 8 o’clock? I set the travel alarm for 7 am! I leaped out of bed, threw on my clothes, washed my face, brushed my teeth, shoved everything into my bags, and was downstairs to breakfast at 8:15. A record, but not a nice way to wake up. Later I checked the travel alarm and turns out that I neglected to move the lever back to time after I set it, so it was on alarm set mode. I won’t be doing that again! Abdul decided that we would go see the Roman ruins of Volubilis first, rather than do ... read more
Prickly pear cactus fruit at Volubilis
Volubilis mosaic

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes July 9th 2018

Since I was staying in a guest house in the medina, I spent most of my time in Fes inside the medina walls, usually lost, but I did venture outside a couple of times. For me, the easiest way to get out of - and back into – the medina was through the Bab Boujloud, sometimes referred to as the Blue Gate for its tilework. “Bab” means gate, and there are a number of them in the walls of the medina. My shortcut for remembering the name of this one was to remember it as Bab “Boogaloo,” which isn’t anywhere close to correct, but helped me remember the distinction between it and Bab Jdid. Musée du Batha Just a short distance outside the gate is Dar Batha, a museum housed in a nineteenth century palace. Of ... read more
Bab Bouljoud
Bartha gardens
Batha gardens2

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes July 3rd 2018

Fez was not one of my favorite cities. I spent most of my time there sweaty, hungry, lost, and frustrated. It says a lot about my personality that I much prefer cities like Tokyo and Singapore – clean, orderly, and no-nonsense. I full recognize that many of my issues with Fez came down to a lack of my usual research and poor planning on my part. As I mentioned in my previous post I was in Fez during Ramadan; as a non-Muslim, I was not expected to fast or follow any of the other Ramadan requirements, but it was difficult to find a restaurant that was open. However, probably one of the most frustrating parts of my trip had nothing to do with Ramadan; it was the number of places I wasn’t allowed to visit because ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes June 14th 2018

Let me start by saying I am extremely fortunate to be able to travel the way I do. I have a great respect for all faiths, and of the people who practice their faith. I am well aware of the privilege I have of living in a place with clean water that comes out of the tap, and of not living in an active war zone. I know that my complaints fall under the heading of inconveniences, not problems, but still, some days… There are a few things I know I’m good at: I am a good researcher, I’m good at organizing and planning, and I can whip up a pretty good green curry chicken. But I failed to plan as I should have, and I also thought I knew enough to not have to research ... read more
closed shops
donkeys allowed

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes May 2nd 2018

Heute sind die anderen nach Spanien zurück. Ich bin in Fez durch den Souk, der viel schöner ist, als der von Marrakesch. Jede Menge authentische Läden.... read more

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes May 1st 2018

Der Tag begann schon schlecht. Nieselregen. 8 °. Zuerst Bergstrecke, so dass man nicht vorwärts kam. Dann wurde es besser. Viele Dörfer. Überall lauerten Horden von Polizisten mit Radargeräten. In zwei Orten war eine Taxlerdemo. Ich war dann hinter John und Richard. John zog heraus, um zu überholen, hinter ihm kam einer daher, der ebenfalls überholen wollte. Auto rammt Motorrad. MR im Graben. Auto überschlägt sich zweimal. Erstaunlich: niemand ist wirklich verletzt. Aber dann beginnt der Zirkus. Polizei. Keiner will die Aussagen der Zeugen. Schließlich fahre ich weiter. Die Unfallbeteiligten wurden dann ins Kkh gebracht und untersucht, obwohl klar war, dass sie ok waren. Und dann wurden beide Parteien in ein Zimmer gesetzt um sich zu einigen. Das Auto war ein Mietauto, unversichert. John fühlte sich im Recht (?), der junge Autofahrer hat schlichtweg nicht so ... read more
der Unfallwagen
Tajine zum Mittagessen

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes February 20th 2018

Another interesting day . This morning we left Chefchouen and proceeded to drive through the Rif range of mountains to the Atlas range. It was nearly all agricultural land growing wheat , lentils and some hay . The land looks aMazingly rich and the fields were in various stages ofgrowth . Some soil newly turned , about to be turned , planted with growth ranging from inches ( the lentils)to knee high , the wheat . I saw only 2 tractors ! The plowing was done mostly with donkeys ,occasionally with a horses. It seemed to be a family affair..6_8people working in the field. The plots were all side by side, sometimes a narrow ditch separating them . It looked good in the sunshine and fresh air . There were a lot of olive orchards about ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes December 29th 2017

Toda we head from Fez to Casablanca. Our taxi arrives on time and our driver speaks English so all is looking good. We first head to Volubius which is a Roman city outside of Mekness. Becs wants to get a guide but Constance is convinced we can self guide using Lonely Planet. Inevitably this leads to an argument, to settle the peace Gus runs off to find a guide. I would probably say that even though he was difficult to understand sometimes the guide was worth the DHM150 (the Chief Negotiator wanted to have a crack at him but we convinced here that Gus had already negotiated very hard). Although Constance did follow us around with the Lonely Planet trying to prove that it could have been done just as easily. After Volubius we head for ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes December 16th 2017

A little travel maintenance this morning as we find and book a desert tour. We will have a driver for three nights and four days who will take us around to all the places you will read about starting tomorrow. We wander towards to the market to look around, leave the medina because we want soup, find some whatever the Arabic word for uneventful is, soup, and dip back into the medina. A little more wandering takes us from soup to souk. The souk is the market inside the medina. This is that Indiana Jones shit you want to see. Narrow alleys criss-crossing with more narrow alleys; merchandise of all kinds hanging in front of worn facades with Moorish arches or other ancient designs. Bags, jewels, antiques, lamps, clothing, every possible combination of nick-nick, tchotchke, craft ... read more
camel meat

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes December 15th 2017

The breakfast at the dar is buffet style with our new Senegalese pal Momadu (as in “Daddy don’t but Momadu”) at the spatula. We haven’t got a damn thing planned for today, but we do know that we are in Morocco’s oldest medina/souk combo and that any kind of decent travelers would do something about that. So, we check in with Said and ask if we can hire a guide. He directs his only word, “Yes,” toward the problem and we’ll have one at the door in an hour. Lhasen shows up with a broad smile and a professorial air. He’s late 50-60s, but like normal 50-60s, not Said the hash dude’s 50-60s… which means be must be 43. We’ve got him for three hours, but the tour starts off pretty slow. He stops in front ... read more
alley 3
alley 4
coke is it

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