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Africa » Mauritania » Dakhlet Nouadhibou » Nouadhibou
June 21st 2010
Published: June 21st 2010
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Met a german with dreads and a van to give us a 700km lift south into Mauritania.
slept in the dessert on the way, dodged camels, and traversed landmine infested terrain.
border was a bit of a deal. took 5 hours to cross due to paper work and double checks.. looking at our passports again and again.
inbetween mauritania and morocco theres 5 km of no mans land.
with no road, local nomades offer to guide you through for 10 euros.
if you go solo without their help it can be risky: fake tracks in the sand,
with traps just over the hill, once you get stuck sudenly they want 100 euros to pull you out.
anyway.. aparently the german knew what he was doing more or less and we made it through by following a 18wheeler through the sanddunes.
stoped for lunch in a tent by the side of the road, and got to his friends place in Nouakchott.
Really friendly, offered for us to sleep at his place, in the courtyard.
bit of a culture shock comming from morocco wich seems european at this point.
almost doesn't feel real to be here at first, like a movie.


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