Cape Verde Honeymoon

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February 28th 2019
Published: January 20th 2021
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2018 was a hectic year with us moving to our new home and getting it set up and then going to New York to get married, I also moved over to a new job and had a mini secondment into the bargain so we decided we'd have a little honeymoon type trip that was as unlike any before where we just flew to a resort and did pretty much nothing. For once we just wanted to recharge the batteries and unlike at home not battle putting tents up in the wind and rain, just this once.

So we took a February break with TUI down to Boa Vista at the Riu Palace. We wanted it easy so bookended with Clayton Hotel stays at Manchester Airport. The TUI planes would be fine for say an hour or two European hop but 6 hours down the Atlantic to be honest it was pretty painful. They should for Cape Verde use the Dreamliners. Took a while to get through security but then short hop to the palace. Spacious upgraded room overlooking the ocean (well with resort building roofs in foreground). A week of little routines, morning tea, breakfast, showers, coffee, little beach walks, reading in the sun (or in my case under shade), lunch, more walks and reading then late afternoon drinks on our veranda then drinks/nuts in piano bar with games of Uno then dinner followed by mostly awful if enthusiastic entertainment.

By the end of the week we were ready to get home but suitably refreshed, 2 weeks would of been too much, we didn't leave the resort as we were not convinced there was much to see, it just wasn't that sort of trip. Still we enjoyed a bit of Scotland on our return home including New Lanark and Tentsmuir so good to get back to our normal curiosity.

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Manchester Airport StationManchester Airport Station
Manchester Airport Station

The grim reality of coming home

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