Lima - the final stop

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South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima
March 23rd 2009
Published: April 8th 2009
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We stayed in Lima for a few days before our flight back home. It is a big city! Many people say they like Lima, but most only actually explored one or two of the nicer areas of the city. We were no exception. We stayed in the rich area of Miraflores, which includes a beachfront with surfers and a super fancy mall. We also ate a lot of good food, including the Peruvian dish of ceviche (diced raw fish 'cooked' with lime) and cow's heart (well, one of us ate cow's heart. It was very good). We ended up not doing a lot in Lima, actually, which was a combination of the enjoyment of relaxing in one place for a while, and of getting bedbugs (actually again, only one of us got bedbugs - a most terrible experience). We did walk through downtown, where we took a fascinating tour of the cathedral and catacombs underneath. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take pictures there, but saw piles and piles of bones. In one circular pit (radius of about a metre), the bones went down for nine feet!

We travelled here with Nick, one of the Canadians we met in Huacachina. The three of us wandered about, shopped, and ate, mostly. Nick surfed at the rocky beach, which although being dirty and noisy, is also rather picturesque and cliff-faced. There were a lot of people surfing, so we sat and watched them surf, and looked for crabs scuttling about in the rocks.

Next stop: Minneapolis, then home to Winnipeg! (Well, we are already there, actually. No official welcome-back party, but we'll be celebrating none-the-less. Can't wait to see you all!)

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Blair and CrabBlair and Crab
Blair and Crab

(the crab is one of hundreds of dead ones washed up on the rocky beach. Still cute, though!)
Nick and BlairNick and Blair
Nick and Blair

Watching surfers. Later, they get sprayed with a giant wave. Fun!

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