Bolivia-Lake Titicaca

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February 15th 2014
Published: February 15th 2014
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Floating islands
After two weeks in Cusco it was time to move on. We made Puno, the second most visited city in Peru, our first stop. Sitting on the border between Peru and Bolivia, Puno is not only home to the highest lake in the world, Lake Titicaca, but also houses the famous floating islands of the Uros people, with whom we had the pleasure to spend the day. As I was soon to discover, the lake had a lot to offer and for each day that I spent on it my admiration for it grew. That very same afternoon we crossed the border into Bolivia and made our way to Copacabana where we quickly busted the myth about "dirt-cheap Bolivia" (admittedly we were staying at the hotel from The Shining but that's besides the point). The next day we made our way across the lake by double-decker boat to Isla del Sol, otherwise known as the island of inescapable inclination, alarming donkey noises, children of the corn, spine-chilling live music and powerful positive energies. In a nutshell, being on this island was an amazing and energizing once-in-a-lifetime experience and marked the perfect end to our stay on the highest and strangest lake
I have yet to visit.

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Model home Uros style

Not only will it keep your house afloat but it tastes delicious too!

Our ride

A send-off in style

Conch house, why not?

Popcorn anyone??

Off to Isla del Sol

Meditating at the top of a mountain

One of many roaming animals on the island

As far as views go I've seen worse

Llama den

View from our room. Goodbye magical island.

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