Lago Titicaca, Bolivia (Oct. 20 - Oct. 24, 2017)

Published: December 12th 2020
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"Bolivian ganja be the best. Heed these words..."

And so I continued my journey on my own. I arrived in La Paz early in the morning and grabbed the next bus ticket to Copacabana. Copacabana is a nice little town set up for tourism, but it was quiet. I checked in to my guesthouse and check my facebook messages. The group of travelers I'd traveled to the Salt Flat with were in Chili and sent their regards. I felt alone. I spent my first day at Copacabana strolling locally. Checking out places and looking for street food. The trout there was delicious and was pink, like salmon. The next day I took an early ferry to Isla del Sol, an island, which contained numerous Inca ruins. Dating back to the 15th century AD. I visited the Templo del Sol and found a necklace, of which I've kept to this day.

I found out that camping was permitted on these island and decided to camp out on Isla de la Luna. I met an expat at the guesthouse I was staying at. He was of middle aged and claimed to be a writer. He sold me some Bolivian weed, which I thought was fake because if its peppery scent. I confronted him on it, but he persuaded me to give it a try. Boy, did I learned a valuable lesson then...

The next day I took another ferry. This time to Isla de la Luna with some weed. The ferry dropped us off on the island. Everyone scattered about exploring the little island. Eventually, everyone boarded back on the ferry and it left. I was left alone on the island. I made my way up to the highest point of the island and set up camp for the night. Isla de la Luna was a lot quieter than Isla del Sol. Looking down from the top of the island, I saw a small village at the base on the other side of the island. I sat in my tent and watched as the sun slowly set. I smoked the weed with an empty aluminum can. No lie. Bolivian weed is the shit. I spent a good amount of time tripping out in my tent. I woke up in the middle of the night to a view that I will remember for the rest of my life. Bright stars in the sky. Tiny flicker of lights from villages surrounding the island.

I was determined to find the guy that sold me the weed and apologize to him for my ignorance. I could find him until my last day there. Upon my departure from Copacabana I was in line behind two guy and a girl. The girl was from Brazil and I couldn't tell where the two guys were from. I assumed they were Americans. It was a tearful departure for the girl and I felt a connection to her experience.

Isla del Sol

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