Buenos Aires - Argentina

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February 23rd 2015
Published: February 23rd 2015
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Buenos Aires, the city of Tango, Evita Peron, amazing cemeteries, coffee shops, outstanding bookshops and an amazing atmosphere. I can tell you that this city is by far the best city I had the pleasure to explore in South America. Having spent only 7 days there, which is not enough in my books to really get to know this town, I can tell you that I would be more than happy to live there. Well, that... Read Full Entry

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23rd February 2015

Colon Theatre
Colon is among the 5 best theatres in the world, recognized by people like Pavarotti and the Wagner family. People like Strauss and Herbert von Karajan presented themselves there.
23rd February 2015

Facts are not Propaganda
The issue regarding Oil and its extraction in Malvinas (or Falklands) is obvius. The only thing I disliked at the Malvinas Museum (the name of the place), because this, yes, I faced as propaganda, was the end of the first video (we watched several in truth), when they showed the faces of Lula, Chavez, Fidel, Cristina Kirchner, Evo Morales & cia. I think they could show the history about the place, its first peoples, the invasions, the war, but connecting, in any moment, to any political leader or ideology (*of any type*) can sound as propaganda. I don’t like to know this “left wing”, with “Autochthonous” excuses, uses serious issues, such as Falkland/Malvinas, dating back long time ago, much before their existences, to their ultimate goal: take everything from so called “bourgeois”, as they imagine – the interesting is that bourgeois as me don’t handmade boots in Italy, as Fidel does, nor have a mansion in a paradisiac island as he has – one of the habitual guests was Left wing writer, admired in the world, Gabriel Garcia Marques. Who started that war was Galtieri, an Argentinian who strongly hated Communists. No, I’m not defending Galtieri, but just noticing how they use genuine causes, which go back to the 19th century or before. It is even scarier when I know they ally themselves to Russia, Iran, India and China. Even the term “Bolivarianismo” has nothing to do with the directions of today, Bolivar was nothing as they portray…. So, to end: only thing I dislike in that video was the “happy ending”, with the face of corrupt people, who criticize “bourgeois”, but all have a very comfort life. Chavez is the worst example: he inherited Venezuela in a phase in which the price of oil rose to the stratosphere. However, of all the wealth that oil generated, instead of turning Venezuela into a "world power" as he promised (the government brainwashed people with their TV programs saying Venezuela would "take the place of the U.S. and Europe"), he distributed what didn’t belong to him, helping Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Ecuador - not to mention, of course, the expense of buying Pharaonic armaments to Russia and China. People here have a general dislike for military, because of the past of military dictatorships (most don’t admiring nothing in military terms, even in an aesthetic level), but they forget that Chavez, for example, was not a Native American, an Indian or an Aboriginal who came out from some Amerindian village. No. He was a military. It is a misconception belief, widely disseminated over here, that the military is necessarily an ultra-catholic conservative, “right wing”. A quick look at history belies this assertion. The South American military regimes generally lacked any ideology, were just a kind of state-of-site extended. They were not genuine Conservatives in any way, but individuals trained in the Positivist tradition - strong in the military up to today, the same that gave a military coup at the end of the 19th to dismantle the Brazilian Monarchy, when the country achieved in fact the greatest stability in political and economic terms: it is, like Marxism, one of the two main wings of the revolutionary movement. The truth is both Galtieri and Thatcher used the war somehow to gain popularity among its peoples with forms of nationalism… He faced dissatisfaction in Argentina because of the dictatorship and she wished to keep control of England, which passed through a deep social and economic crises. Things I considered interesting at the museum: - the flora and fauna of the island, showing a wolf (similar to the Guará found around Brasília) which was extinct by the English in the 19th century (they feared the animal could kill the sheep they brought to there – there were no sheep when Gauchos lived there); - the original houses, Gaucho style, as in farms in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul. Definitely totally different from the English style of Architecture seem today; - the first women: a Gaucha almost Indian, 2 or 3 of French descent and a Spanish descendant, called, Malvina, by the way. - The sinking of the Belgrano ship: this act is considered a War Crime (not by me, but by international organizations). The British nuclear submarine HMS Conqueror caused the death of more than 300 Argentinian marines. It is considered a crime because the attack occurred out of the exclusion zone stablished by British government around the islands. It is the only case of sinking of a war ship, torpedoed by a nuclear submarine since the end of WWII. - I think it is bad that the cemetery for Argentines in Falklands is forbidden to have any signal remembering Argentina, no flag, no memorial, nothing… Only their crosses there. The Brazilian soldiers who died in WWII in Northern Italy, for example, have Brazilian flag, memorial, and sculptures remembering them… While the dead Argentines in Falklands don’t have the right to those things….. Because the British government don’t allow it. Well, Brazilians won by the side of English and American, while Argentinians lost (it is said that those who lose don’t have the right of memorials and their version of facts is always faced as “propaganda”); It is important to remember that references to the conflict are all over Buenos Aires…. - At the Plaza San Martin there is a memorial with the name of each Argentinian dead at the war and every day at 6pm they fly the Argentinian flag in honour to them; - The Church Basílica do Santíssimo Rosário is a symbol of resistance when the English tried to invade Buenos Aires in 1807. In that church, the English soldiers refugeed themselves and there are still kept the English flags as a form of memorial.
23rd February 2015

Malvinas will always belong to Argentina...
The issue concerning Falkland/Malvinas (independent of ideologies) is legit (independent of races, social classes or ideologies: The Islanders (or Kelpers) once were another people, mostly Gaúchos, who were expelled from the place in 1833. The area is situated at the continental platform of Patagonia and the name “Malvinas” has a French origin – “Îles Malouines”. This name reflects the support the French gave to the Spaniards, when they sold the island and decided to remove themselves from the contest. The French Crown recognized the Spanish sovereignty. The French navigator Louis Antoine de Boungainville, who had occupied the region, gave it to Spain in exchange for a certain value. Long before all this, Americo Vespucci, in the early 16th century, passed through the archipelago. The Spaniards were there from the mid-18th century until the early 19th century. After Argentinian independence, the Spaniards gave the island to Argentines. During the first years of the Argentine independence, the new government ignored Falklands/Malvinas, and only occupied them in 1821. At the same time, the beaches of the archipelago began to be visited frequently by fur hunters from the U.S. and England, which caused conflict with local government. Then the British arrived again, but this time to stay. The Clio frigate anchored at Puerto Soledad and, pointing their guns, demanded the governor José Maria Vernet, to depart with the population. The English put there a small population (today around 3,000 people) to sound like it is an English territory while they expelled people who lived there. Some Gauchos stayed there and resisted, being arrested by British Empire and prosecuted in London. Around Malvinas, Argentina also disputes the sovereign of some places in Antarctica that, today, are administered by United Kingdom: South Sandwich, Aurora and South Georgia – which means Argentina reclaims almost 1 million of Km2 in Antarctica, in which constitutes “Argentinian Antarctica” (even though those continental reclaims over Antarctica are suspended in virtue of the Antarctica Treaty of 1959). The staunch Argentine-Italian, anti-communist, Leopoldo Galtieri, in a government strongly supported by the USA, received the endorsement, in the Falklands War, of the USSR, Cuba and Moammar Gadhafi (admired by so many for their unconformity), while England received at the time the support of Israel – there was Argentine military who accepted this support, but refused to travel to Cuba at the time. As USA sponsored the military dictatorship in South America, they thought they would find support to fight with UK. But the United States never accepted an offensive against UK, its main ally, since always, together with Israel (people who destroyed Dresden and Hiroshima, for example…. What they would do with mere “mixed people”, “Gauchos”, from “Falklands”)... I try to imagine the reaction of English to those “exotic” resistant Gauchos in Falklands who were prosecuted in London. Except for Chile, which supported UK and USA, I think everyone here sympathized with Argentina (even Brazilians, which historically has a known rivalry with Argentines...). Today I see this imperialism in a way with leaders like Hugo Chávez and Evo Morales (which I hate and don’t represent myself in nothing!), but in historical terms there’s no way to compare Northern Europe and South American “imperialisms”. The difference between both is the global colonialist vision of the British Empire, while Argentina had regional adventures of colonialist interference, for example, supporting advisors with military coups in Bolivia and sending experts to help the “Contras” in Honduras to increase its sphere of influence. The British imperialism was almost everywhere and influenced the fate of South America in crucial points (especially Brazil, the creation of Uruguay and Argentina –invaded Buenos Aires in 1806 and 1807 and their flags remain inside a church……………. I can talk about this because my maternal great-great-great-great-grandfather was an Englishman, who, like many Brits, decided to live in Brazil and fight in battles in South America as mercenaries, as part of their loss of influence in the British Navy during the beginning of the 19th century - a long story. I know several stories about him and I know that if he was here right now he would defend all these British triumphs, especially the hegemony achieved in South America (Portuguese monarchy and its heir, the Empire of Brazil, were totally subservient to the British Crown… The external debt in Brazil started by English influence – and not American as people imagine… English started putting Portugal in serious problems, since an earthquake long ago in Lisbon). I respect his personal life story, but, unlike my great-great-great-great-grandfather, I am not English, I live in this part of the world and for this reason I can notice certain peculiarities... I’m interested in the history of my family, they transmitted to me worldviews and influences, but I’m also not silly… the monarchies of Portugal and Spain were the largest affected at their colonial capitalist participation, since the beginning, by England, much more than their settlements. The English ended invading Buenos Aires because of the support Spain gave to Napoleon Bonaparte. So Great Britain started plans to obtain more influence on the Spanish settlements. In 1806, the English went to the Plata River taking first Montevideo and later going to Buenos Aires. John Whitelocke, a general of the British Crown, commanded a frustrated attempt to take Buenos Aires, trying to transform the whole Plata Region in a typical British settlement. The result is Spanish and Argentinians took part in a true rebellion, as they English came back again in 1807 with 11,000 soldiers, walking on the streets of Buenos Aires, confident of their supremacy. But the people from Buenos Aires resisted, even throwing boiling water at the heads of the English, avoiding with this the conquer of the city. As Brazil, Australia, Canada and USA and Argentina received settlers and immigrants in massive waves. So, the argument “Ah, but Falklands, Spaniards massacred Indians as well, so can’t accuse the English of massacring original population of Malvinas”………. First of all, Portuguese and Spaniards persecuted Indians, the same way English persecuted Native Americans in USA and Aboriginal in Australia. Around this, people forget that the Indians in Brazil and some in USA united themselves to Portuguese or English as a form to combat their enemy tribes (people also forget that several Indian leaders subordinated to the Kingdom of Spain encouraged their daughters to marry to Spaniard captains)…. So, no, some “noble” arguments don’t convince me, even because, I wonder why the replacement of settler population for a native population is accepted to some societies and not to others – this is evident in the global collective imaginary – and why taking natural resources of others, such as oil, is accepted by some societies and not others……. Well, here it is my opinion and observations.
23rd February 2015

Even British descendants support Argentina in this...
The issue is so serious that even Welsh descendants stay by the side of Argentina - the country has more than 10,000 descendants of Welsh, Scottish, Irish and English (mostly in Patagonia): http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/argentina/9169222/The-Welsh-Argentine-who-fought-the-British.html "The new colony was the idea of Michael Jones, a Nonconformist minister and ardent Welsh nationalist from Bala, who believed that the best way to preserve his people’s culture was to isolate it, establishing a community as far away as possible from the baleful influence of Victorian England. “These people felt oppressed,” says Señor Rhys. “They were not allowed to know their own language. Many of those who came later were miners who had suffered in terrible conditions. They did not know how to farm, and the land here was hard, but they were free.”
24th February 2015
Gardel museum - Buenos Aires

Check out my blog!
This is an awesome blog! Check out my Blog about South America!! https://chamerica.wordpress.com/
25th February 2015

I love Buenos Aires. I live at 400 km. from there and I try to go as often as I can. Very good description of one of my favorite cities. Hugs.
25th February 2015

Help Our Travel Fundraiser
25th February 2015
Boca district - Buenos Aires

Great blog of an amazing city. To us it was a city of past glories. Yet a hum and vibrancy that the past can continue to be glorious. This pic just as I remember it...yet contained behind a strong chickenwire fence.
30th March 2015
Boca district - Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires
Hi Dave. Sorry for the late reply and thank you for your comment. Appreciated. I don't know when you have been there but I was tolda lot changed the last years due to the economic situation. I hope they can solve that soon and restore this great city to its former glory. Take care
2nd March 2015

Buenos Aires
7 days is never enough but I'll bet they will let you come back. After reading your blog we're ready to book our flight. Just wish it was time for us to travel. It would be fantastic to see a performance in the Opera House. Thanks for another great blog.
2nd March 2015

Thank you ....
.... So much for the comment. Buenos Aures is s fantastic city in a fantastic land. And if I inspired you to go back I hope I also inspired people to go there for the first time. There is a totally wrong conception in most parts of the world about South America and people have to experience this continent for themself. I blame the 'fun' media for that. Again thank you for your comment and stay in touch. You at going to love my next update... Welf

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