Blogs from Oceans and Seas - page 4


Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea June 27th 2023

Just a few weeks ago we were leaving home and starting an amazing cruise vacation. Unfortunately, today we are packing our bags and preparing for the end of our vacation. The Island Princess is headed for Southhampton England, where we will leave the ship and fly back home tomorrow. Today we went to the dining room for Janet to have one more breakfast of Eggs Benedict. We have skipped telling you that she has found chocolate croissants are very good and has one almost every morning, even upstairs in the Horizon Court. David has been having blueberry muffins most morning, and today he had ham and eggs to go with it. Today is also the last day for Janet to mingle with her new stitching friends. Today they had a group "show and share" where everyone ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea June 25th 2023

We have said goodbye to Norway and are on our way across the North Sea, heading to Scotland. After all our visits to interesting places in Norway, we have to say we really have enjoyed this cruise. There are still a couple of days left before we return home, so we will still be reporting more fun and relaxation. This morning we got up and went to the dining room again for Eggs Benedict, or at least Janet did. David had Ham and Eggs. We then went to the Crooner's Lounge where Janet was able to spend the morning with her knitting friends and David was able to draft yesterday's BLOG story. After getting some final updates, we published yesterday's story. Hopefully you have had a chance to read it and will understand why it was ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Arctic » Norwegian Sea June 21st 2023

Today is the Summer Solstice - when the daylight is the longest in the Northern Hemisphere. It is also a day of cruising as we sail south through the Norwegian Sea. It was a bright clear day all day, with smooth seas and the temperature up to 61. The pool deck was pretty crowded this afternoon with people out enjoying the sun and comparatively warm temperatures. Anyway, we sailed out of the Arctic Circle last night and we continue to head toward an area where we will get a few hours of darkness at night. Today is also the day that our Grandson Alex is leaving on his trip to Europe. We expect him to have lots of interesting experiences and see plenty of impressive sights. It will help him to understand more about other parts ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Arctic » Norwegian Sea June 19th 2023

Hello from the Island Princess, cruising on the Norwegian Sea. This was a sea day as we head back south toward our next port in Gravdal on Lofoten Island tomorrow. In the meantime, today has been a day of rest. Before we cover today's activities, let's add a couple of facts overlooked in yesterday's report. First - the photos from Tromso have been posted to that blog. You should be able to see them if you go back there. Second - the photos from Honningsvag have been posted also. Take a look if you want. Now a question - where did the King Crab come from that are now so enjoyable in Northern Norway? Back in the 1930's, Russia tried to bring these crabs from their east coast to the west, to develop a new fishing ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea June 16th 2023

We need to begin today by correcting an error in yesterday's blog. Nordfjord is NOT the longest fjord in Norway. It is very long but is only the 6th longest in Norway. The Sognefjord is the longest fjord in Norway and more than twice as long as Nordfjord. We wanted to correct this mistake. Our guide must have said something like "one of the longest", and we don't know about other long fjords elsewhere in Europe. Sorry for the mistake. Today we were sailing northeast along the coast of Norway, in the North Sea and heading toward the Norwegian Sea. We were told that the name Norway was derived from the original Norse language meaning "way to the north", as they sailed up the coast. It then began to refer to the land mass itself, and ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » North Sea June 13th 2023

We are back at sea again, this time on our way to Norway. We are sailing through the North Sea. The sky has been sunny all day and the temperature was in the mid 60s. However, we are zipping long about 18 knots and there must be a headwind too, because it has been really breezy on the open decks. This morning we ate breakfast in the Horizon Court. There was a whole new group of people trying to stack food as high as possible on their plates. At least we have learned not to overeat, just because you can - these new folks will learn that in a few days. After breakfast Janet went to the Knitter's group in Crooner's Bar and found some of her previous friends were back again on this cruise. Of ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic June 10th 2023

Hello from the Isle of Man, as we cruise between Ireland and Wales, on our way to Falmouth England tomorrow morning. Today has been smooth seas with sunny skies and the temperature about 60 degrees. Unfortunately, we haven't really been enjoying it very much as we have spent most of the time in our cabin. We both came down with sniffles and we have avoided most of the ship activities today. There are some cabins with little tables in front of their door where the people have been officially quarantined and the table serves for food deliveries. We don't think it is anything that serious, but we are simply keeping a low profile today. Today has become another day of rest for the most part. We had a light breakfast in Horizon Court before it got ... read more
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Oceans and Seas » Atlantic June 9th 2023

Today was a day of cruising as we head from Iceland toward the United Kingdom. We lost an hour off the clocks last night but we will not have to make any more adjustments before reaching England. Altogether today was a very easy-paced day of rest and we started by sleeping in until about 9:30. David went up to the breakfast buffet and brought some pastries and some pieces of bacon back to the cabin. Along with a cup of tea and glass of orange juice, we had a small informal morning meal. Then we spent a couple of hours resting in the cabin. We are so many time zones to the East that today's newspaper had not been loaded on-line yet. We knew that today was scheduled for another Pub Lunch starting at 11:30, so ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic June 4th 2023

Saturday: This was our 4th day cruising from Hallifax to Iceland. Each day we are getting closer and tomorrow should be the last "sea day" for a while. Friday the temperature had warmed to about 51 and today was a high near 49, so it's not as chilly as it was earlier. Yesterday we continued to have fog much of the time, but today was partly cloudy and even sunny occasionally. The sea swells are pretty small so the ride has been nice and smooth for the past few days. Still the outside decks have been fairly empty and the internal lounges fairly crowded. Those who were out walking were pretty well bundled up. Last night we lost an hour on the clock and the same will happen again tonight. So our internal clocks are getting ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic June 2nd 2023

Today is the 3rd day out of 5 for sailing from Halifax to Iceland. Somewhere along the way we have passed the halfway point. Also, unbeknownst to anyone else, today seems to be Nala's birthday - at least according to PetSmart. When we got her, that's what the Humane Society said. Please tell her that we will celebrate when we get back home. We got up early enough to just make it to the dining room for breakfast, instead of the Horizon Court. Instead of eggs benedict, Janet had fried eggs and crispy bacon. David had an omelet. Then we were off to business for the morning. We ran a couple of loads of laundry through the laundromat and luckily nobody else had arrived before us, so we got 2 machines. Then Janet had some time ... read more
Aligator Towel
Rabbit Towel
Crab Towel

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