Australian Adventure

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December 20th 2014
Published: December 20th 2014
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Hi travel followers.

We just realised it has been "three" weeks since our last blog and thought we had better do an update.

After leaving Rochester we spent a couple of days in and around Bendigo before again spending a few days at Castlemaine. Both great places to visit, but we preferred Castlemaine as it is smaller and more traveller friendly. This includes the lovely little towns of Maldon, Hepburn Springs and Daylesford. All very nicely restored and kept historic villages.

After Castlemaine we headed for a friends "Ian and Sharon) hobby farm at Sunbury (just north west of Melbourne) where we learnt that retirement can be HARD WORK. I.e. I have been helping Ian excavating, forming and concreting a slab, digging and concreting fence posts, building or extending to the patio awing and then painting (3 coats) and re-roofing the whole awning as the old Laserlite had gone brittle.

In between jobs we have and will be spending some more time with Erin at Saint Kilda over Christmas etc.

Another couple of weeks here and then we will be heading off again up through NSW to Sydney to spend some time with Mark and Mel and our two wonderful little grand daughters, Tahlee and Kiara.

Hope you like the photo's. Especially the hard labour ones.

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