Melbourne, back to Australia after few hours on the plane...

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March 30th 2024
Published: April 16th 2024
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Here we are, back on some blogging! hope your travelling is bringing you to amazing places!

After Cairo came a big week in Congo followed by a lot of wine, golf and friends at home in South Africa. No blogging on those as it has been done before!

Funny fact, my lovely wife Tanya has been more often to Melbourne than I have. My first and only visit must be something like 18 years ago! We actually flew in Melbourne together few years ago, but this was to drive the Great Ocean road!

This time, I flew in the long way from Durban to Johannesburg, hopping from their on Emirates to Dubai and the long flight to Melbourne! Good for me, got my upgrade on miles all the way through and business class was pretty empty on both flights. Tanya on her side arrived 7 hours after me on a direct flight from Bali, sadly a little less glamorous in-flight experience for her!

Melbourne is just a small lay-over for us before going further South! We wanted to make sure we would not miss our next flight, so we spent the full day in Melbourne plus the night before reaching back to the airport after an early breakfast!

The weather was gorgeous, but we clearly picked the wrong day. Good Friday in Australia is the day, with Christmas Day when everything is closing down! No shopping for us today, no museum visit either! Imagine, this is one of the two days in the year where even the supermarkets are closed!

Good news, I had bubbles from South Africa with me, and we managed to find some food! Streets were packed, restaurants mainly was just the shops! But who care, the sun was out and we spend our day walking around after being in different places from each other for the past 4 weeks!

I also spent the last day of my trip back in Melbourne, but this time on my own as Tanya was already back working in Bali. Bags were waiting for me in the same hotel we stay 2 weeks ago right in the middle of the CBD. Once again, the sun was out in force! I could this time shop a little. So what do you buy in and some food that we cannot find in Bali...that's about it!

I do hope you enjoy the pictures. On my way back to Bali, I made a day stop in Singapore. Impressive to think it's well over ten years that I walked Orchard Road for the last time. I have to admit, I do not miss much living in a place where the main activity for many is to walk the shopping mall on weekends!

Next blog coming soon, a gorgeous week spent with Tanya discovering Tasmania, a first for both of us! A lot more pictures to come...small planes, great bubbles and yes, some solid food plus obviously some even more serious golf! Coming soon...

Hope you enjoy this new serie of blogs and that you travel safe!!

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