Queen Mary 2 Day 5

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March 18th 2014
Published: March 19th 2014
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Queen Mary Day 5

What a start to the day, sunrise and passing through the Whitsundays. It took quite a few hours from start to finish. The decks were awash with people and many oohs and ars were to be heard. There was a special Pilot brought on board and on the half hour would give a commentary about the various islands, the history and landmarks. Places like Hamilton Island the Molle Islands, Daydream etc were all mentioned, along with Shute Harbour. As we passed through the passage, many small boats were seen including speed boats while yachts of various shapes and sizes were sailing the multicoloured waters.

The usual superb meals were served and Jenny went to a lecture on Feet care while we both attended a session on Yorkey’s Knob, the landing area for Cairns tomorrow. We need to board a tender that takes about 30 minutes to get to shore.

Met some lovely people again, Margaret from New Zealand who was going to Southampton with a friend and Sandra and her Aunt Kate who were from Innisfail. They had to board in Brisbane even though they are only an

Sunrise on deck 7
hour from Cairns because no “new” passengers can board at Cairns.

Tonight we attended a performance by a unicyclist and juggler. We relies on audience participation and some of his antics and jokes were slightly risqué.

Lots of photos today but only a selection loaded. We also saw for the first time the photographs that have been taken by the professional on board and it looks likely we’ll fork out over $100 for some wonderful photographs.

Goodnight to 18 March 2014.

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11




Sunrise from the QM2

Spot the full moon set

Sun on the Whitsundays

A star on board.

Leaving its mark in the Whitsundays

20th March 2014

Thanks for the experience!
Sounds like you are really getting the hang of it now. Just watched a couple of videos on QMII. Noticed she carries 40,000 bottles of wine! Well, when she leaves Port, anyway. We watched one of her being built, commentary by the Designer. He started by drawing a line on a page, representing the longest she could be built to be able to Dock at certain Ports. Incredible. Reckon you won't want to come back to 'reality'!!! 30oC here today. Been lovely weather though, on the whole. Hugs, J & R
2nd April 2014

Now in Honkers (Honk Kong)
Well well the tooting has begun. It actually started in Shanghai, also called smell high. Honking horns was amusing and traffic lights may as well have been decorations. Sad to know the ship has left without us and we really missed you guys. You would have loved it. Time for some sleep and internet is great. Love P & J
6th April 2014

Thanks for being in our "bag" for this trip and hope that you are both on the mend. Hope to catch up on our return to Adelaide and show you where some of the 20,000 scones have decided to lodge. LOVE P & J

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