Wednesday 8th May 2024

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May 8th 2024
Published: May 9th 2024
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Wednesday 8th, DarwinBig4 Howard Springs, Darwin NTCost $44.75 per night with membershipRated by us 7/10Mileage 20079 travelled 0Up whilst it was dark this morning, need to get G on the road for 7am and with daylight saving that means it is still dark at 6am. Emptied anything of value out of the UTE which basically meant everything, cameras, tools, G’s radio gear the lot, at least it will be safe here in the van. I am staying in camp with Tippy, whilst G will sit and read at the dealers till the car is ready.Decided to catch up on things and did three loads of washing, bedding, towels and our clothes, may as well do something as I have to be here. Only in Darwin I found a bullet casing and a live bullet in the rubber surround of the washing machine !!!!It was nice to sit and do nothing, reading and relaxing on my own for the first time since we left Perth feels strange but OK.G managed to get back by lunch time which was great however. Of the three things we had requested and confirmed yesterday only two had been done, G tried to ask but they just wanted him out the door, he says no one was interested in talking about the issue at all. To top it off when I looked at the report on the vehicle which was attached to our invoice it was for someone else car, complete with all his personal details and those of his vehicle. G just threw his hands in the air and gave up, I rang and asked for our paperwork and was told they couldn't find our vehicle, only to find that they had incorrectly copied the registration number from the emails to the service system. It was like it was all my fault that they had done so many things wrong. No one seemed to want ownership and or to apologies so I put up a shitty review online and on Grey Nomads telling people to avoid this dealer. I also reported it to Mike at our dealership in Perth, what a fiasco.Short ride into town to look for the information bureau, what a disaster that was too completely missed it despite GPS in the car and phone navigation.Parked up and walked across the waterfront and had fish and chips at the Oyster Bar, were Tippy was spoiled as usually, he is a heart breaker.Back to camp to relax and swim best thing in this humidity.

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