Day 34 - Newhaven, West Macdonnell Ranges, Glen Helen Resort

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June 1st 2018
Published: June 1st 2018
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Given Brooksie's hopeless performance navigating yesterday he has been relegated to the back seat whilst Wilko's driving. We headed out to Lake Bennett which actually has water, checked out a great desert skink habitat but we still aren't sure which word the great refers to (skink, desert or habitat) in any event we didn't see any. Brooksie correctly identified camel poo, but personally I would have just looked at it. We were lucky enough to spot a Black Titted Plover and we were kind enough to post our observations on the black board at Newhaven complete with Lat and Long coordinates.

On the way to the Namtjira Highway we passed through the aboriginal settlement of Papunya, which had many similarities of other settlements, wrecked cars, stray dogs, litter and aboriginals but surprisingly no mobile coverage. Once we arrive at the spectacular West MacDonnell Ranges we check into the Glen Helen Resort (the word resort has been loosely applied and caravan park would be more appropriate. To be fair it is a spectacular backdrop with a water filled gorge which Wilko has promised to swim in nude tomorrow morning. We race up to the helicopter pad to watch the sunset and then settle in to the bar for beers and dinner. Brooksie was keen to join the Fun and Over Fifty reserved dinner area, but the Fat and over 70 Caravaners Convention seemed to have got in first. We have planned a great day tomorrow.


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