Sydney – Start of a new cruise and journey

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April 8th 2023
Published: April 24th 2023
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After a grueling flight that was 6 hours late (it was supposed to depart at 10 pm but left at 4:30 am!), we arrive exhausted in Sydney. Made our way to the funky Ibis Barangaroo hotel that was near the ship port (by the Sydney opera house). Barangaroo is around the Darling harbour on the other side of “The Rocks”. This was a perfect location to stay before we boarded our cruise. We love Sydney but only had 1 night!

Unfortunately, we arrived on Good Friday, so all the bottle stores were closed. So, we had an expensive dinner along Darling harbor and then drank our beloved chardonnay in our hotel lounge which was only a couple blocks from the harbour. What a fun lounge and great place to stay. The outside featured colorful windows in this cool boutique hotel. I had to share the original artwork in the lounge of our hotel. It is the beloved Olivia – Mona Lisa painting. The restaurants in Darling harbor were incredibly expensive but what a great vibe and area!

We embarked and sailed the next day out of Sydney harbor which if you haven’t done this before should be in your bucket list. Whether it is day or night sailing under the famous bridge (where people pay $500 to walk on the top of it), it is so beautiful and exciting! I shared a few of the images we captured as we sailed away at 6 pm as the sun set! Gorgeous!

We love cruising and the decadent lifestyle that it entails. We enjoyed the Easter bunny treats and the folded towels courtesy of our wonderful stewards on Easter Sunday!

I will apologize in advance as I will be posting 2 travelblogs today and 2 tomorrow (if the wifi gods are with me! The WIFI on the Cruise ship doesn’t allow me to compile my travelblog, so I must do it at a Wi-Fi location in a port. So, this is one of stops on our cruise (or the start)!

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