Five Reasons to Try Out and Play Lost Ark in 2024

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March 12th 2024
Published: April 2nd 2024
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With Lost Ark first released in 2019, the game had a buggy launch, and there was not enough player base for the game to be present. Fast forward to half a decade later, and Lost Ark is thriving as one of the most unique and dynamic Diablo-inspired MMOARPG that has undergone many revisions that brought about numerous quality-of-life improvements and introduced a plethora of new features, story quests, and endgame content.

The newer endgame content has become significantly more challenging, as fans' complaints focused on the unusually easy difficulty near the end of the game. To retain your edge during the missions, you are advised to buy Lost Ark gold to attain more powerful weapons from the shop.

Let us now explore the five reasons you should try out and play Lost Ark in 2024. You will not regret playing this game.

Lost Ark Jump Start Servers

The first and most welcome change introduced to the game is the integration of Lost Ark "Jump Start Servers". Previously, joining a server meant that new players would have to meet with old veteran players who were way ahead in the story and had the highest gears present which could be intimidating for new players.

What Lost Ark “Jump Start Servers” do is match the players according to their levels, meaning that any veteran or newly registered player being on the same level will be on the same server. Servers are level-based now, making matchmaking easier and granting more bonuses and rewards to newer players to catch up to veteran players more easily!

Lost Ark Brand New Story Arc

The first Lost Ark storyline of the game concluded last year with the introduction of the Elgacia continent and its accompanying narrative. Lost Ark Players diving into the game can experience the whole story without missing anything!

Lost Ark New Player Class

The latest Lost Ark update to the game also brings about the Breaker Advanced Class, which is the male counterpart to the Scrapper, a class that harnesses the combined power of heavy Gauntlets, mobility, and devastating combos to deliver serious damage toward enemies.

With the addition of this class, there are 24 total classes with five archetypes present that cover a variety of roles, which include melee, ranged DPS, and support, with each class offering a unique playstyle. While there may be a few best classes in the game based on the meta, all of them are equally capable of tackling all the content present within the game.

Lost Ark New Endgame Content

Catching up and getting up to speed with Lost Ark’s story is just the start, as it provides an extensive endgame that features challenging content such as Guardian Raids, Chaos Dungeons, and Legion Raids, all of them trying to test your mettle.

Free to Play

If any of the above reasons have slightly increased your interest in the game, I have some great news for you. The game is free to play for both new and hardcore MMO players, which offers greater accessibility to the game. Not only that, it is also solo-friendly, meaning that you won’t have to interact with online players if you feel like it.

Be sure to buy More game currencies here at U7BUY, which can give you an edge in your gameplay. This includes Lost Ark and other games such as Final Fantasy XIV.


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