Homeward Bound

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July 1st 2014
Published: July 1st 2014
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I wasn't going to write another blog but this traveling home business is worthy of something. We began at 430 in the morning in Cork. Were kindly driven to the airport for our 635am flight. Thankfully took off on time. We took the Stansted Express to the middle of London & the underground to Heathrow. We had to 'mind the gap' a few times as we changed lines & trains. The guy at the Stansted ticket desk wasn't kidding. Took ~2hrs total.our flight to Chicago was delayed because the plane didn't arrive on time. The flight itself was mostly uneventful. I don't know how I got lucky enough to be right smack dab in the middle of the 5 person row. Wasn't as bad as I thought as I could choose which side I wanted food/drinks from...always the faster side! The woman to the R of us was reading her Bible & the woman & daughter to my left were just as pleasant. We unfortunately had a huge delay in receiving our luggage and as a result, despite being expedited thru airport, arrived at our gate just late enough that the standby ppl who took our empty seats were just walking on. They rebooked us for the 925 flight but we asked to take the 730 to Rochester. Then the storm came and we wait. In the meanwhile I saw the biggest harriest beetle I'd ever seen in the bathroom stall. I'm not afraid of bugs but I was not fond of being anywhere near that one! We have now been traveling for nearly 22 hours. I'm exhausted. I want to get home. Lucky we changed our flight...925 to Buffalo cancelled. We're delayed to Rochester. Really hoping we aren't one of the unlucky people setting up shop on the cots in the airport! Always has to be some sort of adventure, right?

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