Marcie's Big Adventure - Day 10/Last Full Sea Day

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April 16th 2024
Published: April 17th 2024
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Hi Everyone,

Today is our last full sea day. We get to our second port tomorrow (Bermuda was our first). The Ireland port we reach tomorrow is the last port that the Titanic left before it hit the iceberg - and the anniversary of that was yesterday. I keep watching for icebergs but I don't see anything so I think we're safe from those. Today was another relaxing day of reading and people watching. I try to find a good stop in roughly the same area on the same deck looking down over the pool. That way I can watch the ship games that are played, including the trivia game. Several times people have asked to sit with me while they play the trivia game, which makes it more fun for me as there have been times when they couldn't answer, they would ask me and there were actually times when I was able to help them out with the correct answers. Today, when I got up to the deck I like (10), I could see that the edge of the pool (deck 9), all away around it had towel animals covering it. No space available for any more. At first I thought that a towel animal class had just ended. Then I looked up higher and saw that hanging from the 9's ceiling from all of deck 10's floor, more towel monkeys were hanging all over. It was so cute, a whole lot of color. Must have taken the crew a lot of time to do all they did to put a smile on our faces. Tonight's dinner was some kind of bass for me. When the waiter got closer to me with it, I could see it had the skin on it and I started praying real hard that the head wasn't there too! Mercifully, it was not. This time, the escargot appetizer, I had was very excellent as it was the basic, escargot, garlic and butter. Last week when I had it, the chef threw in many spices that really weren't in my taste buds' interests. After dinner, I met up with my solo buddies at our usual table at our usual time for a few drinks and talk about the day. Peter's new dancing friend stopped by to pick him up to go to the special dancing that is held in one of the bars every evening. But, he was back, alone, to have dinner with those of us that had not eaten yet. Doesn't look like there's a romance brewing but there are still 4 nights left after this one. All us gals are routing for him! My mornings of being a slug stop tomorrow. My time to meet immigration is at 7AM. Hugs


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