Los Angeles

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March 29th 2024
Published: March 29th 2024
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I´ve been absent for two weeks. It has flown!

I got into LA on Monday 18 June at 7am. The carry transport took two hours to drop me off at our lodging which should´ve taken as it were 35 mins. Nothing to stretch around as I had time to murder since Matt wasn´t arriving from SF until early afternoon, but lodging staff let me check in early since of my reliable confront. We did nothing on the Monday, Tuesday was went through doing the Hollywood visitor stuff, counting a visit of celebrity homes (the highlight of which was the air-conditioned limo). LA was ridiculous hot and troublesome to urge utilized to after shitty Sydney climate. On Wednesday we went to Disneyland! To begin with halt:
the teacups! After that we weren´t as well objected approximately which rides we went on. The longest we lined up was an hour for a photo with Mickey. It was beautiful stuffed in spite of it not being school occasions however. It was very an involvement in that I´d never seen so numerous fat individuals on mechanized bikes. And the shouting ridiculous kids, I´d had sufficient by mid evening.

the Privateers of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones rides.

We flew up to SF on Thursday 21 June. What should´ve been a easy one hour flight turned into delay after delay -- much obliged Joined together, you suck -- and we overseen to induce domestic by 7pm rather than mid evening. I went to Hot Pants on Friday 22 June with Tuck, Terry and Phil which is continuously great fun. I met somebody that night who I made plans to go to Pink Saturday + the Dyke Walk with but instep we went out for cocktails and something to eat and ended up lost the total thing! We too missed the Parade and Celebrations at the Civic on the Sunday. Things went so well that I went through final end of the week with them in LA and saw a totally diverse side of LA -- it ain´t as well miserable after you have a neighborhood appear you around. Amid my remain in SF, I had supper with Brendon and Petko at Bobbe´s family´s eatery at Fishermans Wharf which was great fun. It´s unusual to think there´s no more AWAS, at slightest not how we know it.

Drinking cocktails on the housetop of The Standard Lodging in downtown LA on a brilliantly sunny day whereas typical individuals had to work.

Things have been going so well with said suitor that they will be joining me in Havana in two weeks! Followed by Puerto Blessed messenger in September! Assembly somebody on my trip, let alone this early, was never portion of my schedule. But I´m getting a charge out of it! And God knows, I merit it 😊


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