Huge hole in the ground!

Published: November 10th 2017
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Geo: 36.0262, -112.136

We checked in late in the afternoon and went and had dinner. After dinner, we went over towards Bright Angel Lodge for our first glimpse of the canyon. I led Stacy to the edge of the canyon where there was no fence. She looked up and just about freaked out. We hiked around for a little while, waiting for sunset to come so we could get some good photos. We saw a pair of Condors flying around the cliffs. They are huge, wingspans over 10 feet.
The next morning, we got breakfast and headed out toward the west side of the park by bus to take in all of the sites there. We hiked around for a few hours, took the bus back, went back to our room for a quick nap, then showers and dinner at the El Tovar restaurant. Excellent meal.
On Thursday morning, we we got up, had breakfast and headed to the visitor's center. We got over to the general store just in time to meet Mike and Ann, who rode a rented bike up to visit us and the Grand Canyon. We got on the bus after lunch and headed east to view the lookouts there. We went on a mile and a half hike back to the visitor's center. We then took the bus back to the general store and Mike and Ann got their bike and headed to the El Tovar Lodge. We met them there and looked around and said our goodbyes and the headed back to Sedona. We went back to our room for a little rest, a couple of beers a shower and then dinner.
Friday morning, we packed the car, had breakfast and headed out toward our next destination, Mt. Carmel, Utah and Zion and Bryce National Parks.

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