We will get there eventually.....

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September 6th 2023
Published: October 29th 2023
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The big trip was coming! Finally I was to going to Africa.....That's what I thought....

Medical condition at the last minute forced to me to cancel it at the last minute. The medical problem is not completely fixed yet, so I may be limited, travel wise for at least a year! :-(

That's life and in these moments, it's better to focus on the positive things. I kept all my preparation for my South African trip so t's going to be easier next time. I might even find better places!

I decided to visit lots of little places not too far and wide in the last weeks. In the spring, If I can't go abroad still, I might go further in my own country as some canadian provinces I have never been to.

Some of the places I went.

1- Trois-Rivieres' region on the Saint-Maurice has long been a center of huge log driving: trees cut in the forest, and then brought to the mill by floating and being pulled on the river. This practice has stopped for at least 20 years and the river's ecosystem is slowly improving. This is a region with lots of activities related to water, forest and nature. I rented a cabin in Grandes-Piles village in the summer. It was very comfortable and especially beautiful. It seems that increased rainfall in the summer, made everything greener.

2-Beautiful Yamachiche village: the main street of the village, have restored beautiful victorian style houses. It gives that village a distinctive style. One fo these houses is the village cafe.

3- Exploring marshes in the Berthierville's region. This place has marshes, channels, seasonal, flooded forest and is full of nature.

Here, can see video of musk rat eating in a river channel :

4- Relaxing and fishing in the Notre-Dame-De-La-Merci. This is a cabin owned by one's family member. A good spot for bass fishing!

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