Turkish Bath Experience

Middle East
May 30th 2022
Published: May 30th 2022
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On our second trip to Istanbul I put myself down for a tour of the Spice Market followed by a visit to the the Hamam (a turkish bath).

The Spice Market or Egypt Market was very busy and at every corner vendors called you inside to try their product. Its was very hard to resist and by the fifth stall I was convinced I needed to buy some tea. But before deciding on the right tea they made me taste and smell all their teas, spices and turkish delight.

I spent way too much money, which wasu partly down to me coz math is not my strong suite and I got confuses with the Euro/Dollar to Lira conversion. I am also pretty rubbish at haggling. But at least now I got loads of souvenirs for the family at home.

After the visit to the Spice Market we went to the Hurrem Sultan Hammam, right outside the Ayasofia Mosque. The Turkish Bath had different entrances for men and women. After we entered we we given a towel and a tiny slip to cover our lady parts. Also in the bading area most women were completely naked. We received some bowls to pour water all over us and the everyone of us had one of the staff to wash us. It was an interesting experience, coz for the next hour I was scrubbed and washed from head to toe. I had to lie on the stones while they covered me in bubbles, they even washed my hair.

The whole process was very relaxing and afterwards we had some tea and turkish delight. I can only recommend trying the Hamad Experience when visiting Istanbul.


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